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 Deconstructing Eve

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37289
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyTue Jul 09, 2013 10:09 pm

A thread dedicated to analyzing, understanding, dissecting the female gender, the feminine type, the female sexual type.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37289
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyTue Jul 09, 2013 10:13 pm

I admit that, as a male, the female sex is more interesting to me, simply because it is alien to my own sensibilities, and my own experiences. The female is something that challenges me with her behavior, her attitude, her way of thinking and being, and I must know it.

Nothing I will post will be rooted in hate, or motivated by a desire to insult. 
My goal is to analyze, as objectively as I can, inspired by nature, my personal observations and experiences, and my reading on a variety of subjects dealing with sex and sexuality.

My secondary motive for starting this thread is to help some young males who have been struggling with their own sexuality and with what they observe in the world around them.
Confusion, anger, resentment, despair, can follow this confusion caused when a mind cannot make sense of a world that contradicts theory, and speaks of thou shalt nots yet acts as if nothing was said.

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Last edited by Satyr on Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37289
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyTue Jul 09, 2013 10:14 pm

Perhaps it may seem a bit harsh to define the female gender as a genetic and memetic filtering agency, perhaps some would say it is a simplification of the intricacies involved in creating a feminine personality, but if we are going to be honest with ourselves such things should not sway us.
Simplifying is what the mind does. It takes the complex and by a process of elimination, it reduces it to a few parts; it finds patterns of repetitive predictability and using them it extrapolates a general category.
The complexity of man, furthermore, has been grossly exaggerated by those wanting to escape the lessons we learn from observing organic life, and how it behaves, what methods it uses, and what patterns it displays.
There would be no reason for the specialized sexual type, we call female, to evolve at all, in the way it has evolved, if it were not to play a part, by acquiring the traits necessary to do so.
The female sex has evolved the physical and mental characteristics required to select what genes will be propagated and which genes will be excluded from future generations.
Female sexual power resides in this fact alone: sexual choice.
It is this power that was restricted by the moral and cultural forces we now have come to call Paternalism, and it is this sexual power, this natural agency, which defines not only which male genes get to carry-on, but also how maleness is defined.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37289
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PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyTue Jul 09, 2013 10:15 pm

It is because of this evolved female specialized role, that the female sex is most often inclined, intuitively so, to stabilize a social unity, either by defending its premises and its hierarchies or by attacking any element which disturbs its inner order.
It is this instinctive drive, to maintain peace and tranquillity, so as to offer her coming brood a safe and stable environment to mature within, which makes her an energetic protector and contributor of masculine order.
It is only if she is seduced, or has been alienated from this order, that she sides with another masculine power, promising, in her judgment, a something more formidable.
This makes the female the most easily seduced sex. She has no ability to resist power when it presents itself before her, and so she gives in wanting to make a place for herself, and her potential offspring by its side, or in its domain.
A woman will always defend the status quo, because the coming change is unknown and untested, and potentially less able to produce order.
Order, the masculine, is for a female an aphrodisiac. 
She is the perfect social sex, for outside this unity she has no chance to be a female. 
Anything and everything that appears to her as something bringing with it the possibility of increased harmony, is for her, attractive…but also dangerous.
She is attracted and uncertain; swaying from one feeling to the other.
The feminine attraction to order is what makes her the perfect genetic filter: beauty, symmetry of form, and intelligence, symmetry of mind, is, for her, irresistible masculine traits – traits she must reproduce, and merge with, genetically. 
Sickness, deformity, dysfunction, manifesting in asymmetry of form, ungracious form, and movement, dullness of spirit, are ignored by her. She refuses to reproduce them, and finds any thought of unifying with them, disgusting.
Later, when she is seduced by a different, more duplicitous power, a memetic entity which overturns her ideals and reforms her judgments, she remains skeptical yet she cannot resist the power of the ideal: uniformity as the absolute harmony.
Though this may contradict her evolved role as a genetic filter, she must submit to power, to the promise of order, and become a memetic filtering agency.
She now filters out of the future generations, the anti-social, the disruptor of peace, the challenging mind, the less submissive, and intolerant of authority, the one who believes in ideas and ideals the culture she now serves considers threatening.
If the meme in question is a nihilistic one, then the female becomes confused, torn; part of her still functions under the primal state of affairs, while her consciousness is overpowered by an idea that contradicts it, but also offers a more ideal, for her, outcome.
This is where the infamous, post-war, notion of feminine mystique comes into paly, to excuse her double-entendre thinking, and her self-contradicting words/actions.
Many of them explain their life’s confused disagreements, as being the result of youthful extravagance, turning to mature compromises, when the truth is that she never outgrows her internal strife, the struggle, inside of her, between the innate and the proper, the ideal and the real.
The true villain here is the life-hating meme infecting her mind, urging her to say and to idealize what her gut cries out against. 
Place into contact such a female, infected by this nihilistic meme, with a more natural, virile, life-affirming culture, morality, ideal, and watch her turmoil, kicking and screaming against it, but at the same time unable to resist the strength of its health.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37289
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyTue Jul 09, 2013 10:54 pm

When trying to understand why a female is promiscuous, albeit to a lesser degree than a male, one must come to terms with female sexuality and the reason why that sex evolves at all.

The gestation period for a human is around 9 months; the weening period for a human child is around 7-10 years, depending on the circumstances and the intellectual sensitivity, inherited from the parents, and complexity, of the child - larger brained, more sophisticated organisms require longer periods to gestate and mature.
We immediately realize why males take longer to mature than females.

Female sexuality is in harmony with these cycles of physical and mental development.
Females are not only more careful in their sexual choices - at least before technologies and techniques were developed to decrease the natural risks and costs of reproduction - but they are also more committed, more focused, in their sexual energies, during those years required to fulfill her sexual role. Love is a more powerful mind-altering, chemical, factor in females than it is in males, but it also quickly dissipates once that period is over.
In other words, the love sensation, the chemicals dealing with fight/flight, are more strong in females, for obvious reasons, but this emotional intensity is also short lived. It reaches a peak, slowly, and then diminishes at a faster rate.
The reason why is that it is most-often intuitive, instinctual,visceral....and we call this love.
This is different from the more conscious, rational, less intense but longer in duration, form of friendship, we may also call love, but would be best defined as friendship, or agape.       

Once this erotic, sexual, love serves its ephemeral purpose, it quickly diminishes, allowing the organism, the female, to find a new mate, and go through the process again.
Now why is this a behavior natural?
Because the world is in Flux.
It is this continuously changing environment, sometimes extremely so, which makes it a survival advantage to reproduce your genes, by combining them with those of as many other genes as possible.
For the male this takes the form of a less discriminating spreading of the seed, wheres for a female, who must endure the months, the years, requires to raise a child up to the point where it can fend for itself, the very same drive takes on the form of a less conspicuous, more selective, more secretive, insidious, quick to develop, once the preliminary intuitive first impressions have affected the mind, and then also quick to decline, once their purpose has been served.

For a female sampling as many genetic types as possible, is a slow, arduous process, demanding patience, and care.
Crossing cultural, racial, national, lines is easier for males, but not so difficult for females as well.
Sampling the genes from a different genetic type is a way of increasing the odds for survivability.    
Because in human females her cycles are hidden from view, control over her fertilization offers an advantage to human females, which are not shared by females of other species.
Now sex can become a social tool. A way of stringing along a male, or manipulating him, or of ensuring male presence though the offspring are not his own.

To reduce this female sexual power, males devised the morals, ideals, ideas, necessary to build a stable social unity. We call these techniques, technologies, Paternalism.

Once these restriction over female, but also male, sexuality, are taken away, the female reverts to primal sexual practices, forcing the males to adapt accordingly.
This has two consequences, at least:

1- Internal tensions are increased. Disharmony, disinterest, become a social problem.
Males drop out, but also lose interest in sex and in reproduction.They are essentially castrated mentally.
2- Males are forced to dedicate more and more energies to pursuing and keeping female sexual interests, resulting in two effects:

a- Male productivity increases, as competitiveness takes on the only avenue permitted: impotent, infertile displays, materialism, hedonism.
Sex loses its value, becoming a casual pastime, a method of masturbation, an identifier with no spiritual substance.

b- Creativity declines in all areas of human interest, except the ones involved in sex and reproduction.
We call the latter Maternalism,and its dominant behavioral characteristic is sexuality as a social lubricant, or a social glue, or as a method replacing violence to reinforce hierarchies.
Sex becomes the all-encompassing focal point.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37289
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 8:18 am

Order is attractive to a female because she cannot produce any on her own.
She can only give herself to its reproduction.
She seeks it out in otherness.

She wants to surrender, herself to it; lend her support, defend it, enhance its protective, predictable, unyielding, principles.
Order is a reduction of possibilities, making the male a predictable, direct, honest representation of this reduction of randomness.

She is driven to do so because her sexual role places her in a vulnerable state, requiring sheltering.
She wishes to decrease the risks to herself and to her potential brood by finding the most stable, harmonious, environment possible.
Her mind is totally dedicated to relating, relationships, creating and maintaining alliances. 

She is  a master in cutting through the pretentious bullshit, seeing the other beneath the social masks, evaluating psychology, value, intuitively.
She feels things, without fully understanding them, and she trusts in these feelings, for she has nothing else to go by.

This is her "genius".

Her ability to conform to any power, to any order, is part of her resilience. She does not fight, struggle, resist, much; she bends, conforms.
She is flexible.

Men promising the unrealistic make her smirk.
She sees weakness in masculinity when it pretends to be what it is not.
But masculine order is both attractive and a bit ridiculous for her, for chaos is increasing and order, whatever level is attained, is always ephemeral, unable to resist for long the tides of time.

This makes her loyalties flexible, adaptable, ephemeral.
She does not fight on principle, she fights for survival. Ideals are only as good as their pragmatic application, for a female.
She need not understand it, she feels it.

Sometimes a female, having had a strong, inspiring, male presence in her life, while growing up, she sees in the idealist, romantic male, a version of her father.
She feels compassion, an admiration, for the male who struggles to produce what can never be completed.
She wishes to become the vehicle for it to continue to struggle on.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37289
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PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyWed Jul 17, 2013 2:39 pm

I will repeat this because many have only recently arrived and many are expressing an interest on the subject.

A woman may say she wants a "sensitive" man, but what she means is that she wants one who is not harmful to her.
She wants strength she can control, suing some catch.
Like how you control a big powerful beast, like a horse, with some spurs, kicking on its side.
she wants to see the soft spot.
Something to ride - intentional sexual innuendo - and to be able to control, because only she knows of its "soft spot".
Many females LOVE horses.
Not dogs, horses.

When they exit their sexual prime they are more inclined towards cats: the solitary, coy, secretive, selfish, feline.

Make no mistake.
If you expose a vulnerability which is greater than her own, conscious, accepted one, then she will quickly, and quite inexplicably lose interest in you sexually.
She may like you, as a friend, as a person, may find you charming, funny, good, but she will have ZERO sexual attraction for you.

For the female the male must be mysterious, strong, decisive, reliable.
If you show a part of you she considers beneath her, in comparison to her own self-assessment, he own self-consciousness, then forget about fucking her...or, if she submits to gratifying you sexually, she will never consider you material for propagation.
She will use you, as a social ally, a method, a tool, an organ.

Her sexual interest in you will be NIL.

Now, having said all that, also remember that she must feel safe enough to spread herself open and permit her to access her vulnerability.
So, she must be reassured by you showing that you are human, or at least, that you possess some softens that will guarantee that she will not be damaged by the experience.
Show her a soft part of you, but make sure it does not exceed her assessment of her own softness.

Know why females are so sexually dissatisfied?
Because males have been told that they should be more like females.
Females agree, consciously, but their body, disagrees.

The meme infecting, impregnating their mind, contradicts the gene which has evolved under more austere environments, and cares not for ideals and theories and romantic clap-trap.
She is "complex" only in as much as the meme, the sum of all ideals, ideas, morals, dominating her brain, come in conflict with the sum of nurturing, experiences, determining her physical (re)actions.

She responds to things she is told are beneath her, are base, are primal...and she repeats the popular, the modern, the shared ideas, mythologies, she has been trained to consider "valuable", though she does not feel them to be so.

Complex, feminine mystique?
The simplest creatures alive.
Nature personified.
Study female behavior amongst mammals, amongst the primates, and you know all you need to know about feminine complexities.

When females are governed by a masculine hormonal drive towards order, they are predictable.
Because order is created predictability because that is the definition of ORDER.

Feminine, a sin nature, is a decline toward chaos...randomness. There, and only there, do they become intricate.
When there is no rhyme or reason behind anything they do or say.
All a man can do then is....walk away.
God knows, every other option is law and my convention.

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Gender : Female Posts : 681
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyWed Jul 17, 2013 8:22 pm

Today, I see how cruel men and women can be to each other.  This is done primarily to protect their egos, while furthering their own objectives, but is carefully hidden by their desire to be loved and/or respected, whilst not giving each other either one.

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Gender : Female Posts : 681
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 7:20 pm

What it is all about is that one gets what one bargains for, whoever you are.  

What it is all about is getting what we want and if we don't, we think of ways how to get it.

Last edited by reasonvemotion on Thu Jul 18, 2013 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37289
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 7:46 pm

reasonvemotion wrote:

What it is all about is that one gets what one bargains for, whoever you are.  

Adam or Eve.
No, my sweet, reality is not created by the mind, it is interpreted by it.

If I do not "bargain" for death, this does not make be a candidate for immortality.

True, we all live and form opinions and judgments and decide using them, based on OUR perceptions and understanding and knowledge.
This is true.

It is also true that we all live in accordance with and as a result of all of the above.
This is true.

What is also true is that perspectivism - which is what you are describing here, though you may not know it - does not deny the reality of the objective, it only denies man's capacity to be objective, in an "absolute" way, because this reality is constantly altering.
What does this mean?
This means that no matter how cold, and reasonable, and rational, you may be you can only approach the absolute truth, but never attain it.
What does this not mean?
It does not mean that all judgments, all perspectives, all opinions are equal, in their approach towards the real.

I will be starting a thread of cynicism, but for now, I can tell you that I understand your need to distance yourself from the generalities I posit as being a definite pattern when it comes the the type - a category based no patterns - of male and female.
I think it is revealing how you, like so many others before you, attempted to exclude yourselves from a perspective you could not challenge nor reject, but only deny that it was applicable to YOU!!!
But a public forum dealing with philosophy - the study of REALITY - does not deal with those rare exceptions to the rule.
Whether you are or not, or whether you fancy yourself as that, is irrelevant, since the motive here is not making you likable or someone to seek affection from.

Your personal story is YOUR personal story, and if you are truly an exception to the rule this does not contradict the rule, nor does it prove that you are so.
Whomever wishes to flatter you or take advantage of your presumed rarity, is the only one concerned with it.

What I try to deal with is REALITY, sweetie.
Meaning I deal with patterns that hold true beyond time-space, contained by your, or my, lifetime; I certainly do not give a shit about how you emotionally react to what I say.

Let me give you an example to help you.
Let us say I was some hunter, feeding no a herd of organisms, surrounded by other animals, who were threatening to me or potentially useful to me.
Would it be more efficient, of me, to spend what time I had for thinking, for leisurely detached contemplation, wondering about that rare wilder-beast, amongst that herd of potential food wilder beast, or would my time be better served in focusing it no understanding the pattern of the type, the species, wider-beast?

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Gender : Female Posts : 681
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 8:07 pm

An enlightening comparison, death and sex.

What is obvious here is, my responses are not as you would wish.  Essentially, because I am not furthering the thread in the direction you wish to take it.

What I have put forth are my thoughts and my actions in my life as I see it and I know these do not follow the usual pattern.  I don't contrive myself and your accusations, are of no consequence to me as I have this almost every time from almost everyone.  

Eve, as you have said yourself, is not complicated, the basic premise is to get what we both want, (Adam and Eve).  To fuck.  Which sometimes can involve the getting of a child and other times, erotic satisfaction and more sinister, to use sex to manipulate.  Of course you will say that is always present, and perhaps it is, but my example means it as "exclusivity to all else".

Your response shows signs of being "pussy whipped".
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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37289
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 8:48 pm

reasonvemotion wrote:
An enlightening comparison, death and sex.

What is obvious here is, my responses are not as you would wish.  Essentially, because I am not furthering the thread in the direction you wish to take it.

Where I wish to take it is towards universal patterns, applicable to the majority, across cultures and times. .

reason wrote:
What I have put forth are my thoughts and my actions in my life as I see it and I know these do not follow the usual pattern.  I don't contrive myself and your accusations, are of no consequence to me as I have this almost every time from almost everyone.  

My sweet, what "accusations" are you talking about?
Why do you females always insert yourselves, on a personal, emotional, level into every, damn insight ever made?
I, and you, are not the subject, dear.
I never, ever, claimed to be male....or anyone approaching the kind of male I describe...nor did I claim that I was to be excluded from my own assessments about feminization.
You are projecting using hope, and a cocktail of other emotions,, my dear...and THAT is a recipe for disaster.
You should imagine me as the worse of the worse; the basest of the base; the most effete of them all.
I am a goat-man, a Satyr.
No more about me should concern you.
Then proceed to the SUBJECT!!!!

Seducing you is not in my interests, my dear.
You may very well be the rarest of the rare; a wonderful woman....but that is NOT what this thread is about!!!!!!!!!!!

The subject is this category called "female" which has distinct, predictable, behaviors.

Your personal value, is yet to be determined as nobody, I know of, can attest to the validity of your claims.
You simply declare them, as a way of excluding yourself from insights you do not feel comfortable with.
Insights about REALITY. 
Weather you, as an individual manifestation of the category female, are usual or not, is NOT the topic's focus.
You've gotten used to that crap in PN. I do not blame you...that IS the usual.

Now consider this:
If you are this exception to the rule, what if, WHAT IF, I am some exception to a rule? 

reason wrote:
Eve, as you have said yourself, is not complicated, the basic premise is to get what we both want, (Adam and Eve).  To fuck.  Which sometimes can involve the getting of a child and other times, erotic satisfaction and more sinister, to use sex to manipulate.  Of course you will say that is always present, and perhaps it is, but my example means it as "exclusivity to all else".

No, no, no!!!
To "fuck", as you say, is but a means. The complexity, for most, is that other factors are at play:
Ego, culture, peer pressure, morality, the consequences of fucking, or the absence of them...ect.
I begin with a starting foundation, wanting to build upward.

The first layer is sex.
Why does it evolve?
What is its purpose?

Then specialized sexual types, genders.
Why and how do they come about?
How are they altered by the current, by social norms, and cultural forces.
What males females, like you, so desperate to distance yourself from the foundations?

reason wrote:
Your response shows signs of being "pussy whipped".

Or...I have a small penis, I am a virgin, or I am a misogynist.

Shit, woman...this is you showing how unique and extraordinary and unable to be boxed into categories you are?
You just gave me a stock reply to my positions.
How typical is that, my sweet?
Actions, not words, my dear. They, THEY, speak louder than any declaration of how exceptional, or out of the usual, you are.

You delcare yourslf as the exception to the majority, and then act, by posting the usual crap, in a way that contradicts it; you show yourself to be nothing more THAN the average. 

Shit, woman, if every time we were faced with an insight that was unflattering to us, we could simply accuse the other of suffering from emotional turmoil, sufficed to dismiss reality, then what a fuckin' beautiful world this would be.

Death, you say?
Only for one fearing it.
Only for one resenting it and suffering from its cost.
No death for the happy, healthy, majority.
In their "uniqueness" they are part of a growing average.


Sweetie, if I wanted to seduce you or make an impression on you, it would be easy.....EASY.
Despite how unique and different you are, it would be easy, because you've already partly been taken...on an intellectual level. 
I KNOW I have an effect, if only on an intellectual level...but that is a good start for females of your rare qualities, no?

You are "rare" because you fall in the 10% rather than the 90% category, but across the board the same forces are at play.
I know exactly what I have to say and do to make me likable to someone like you, my sweet.

All I must do is suppress my ego, let go of my interest for clarity and rational order, and give in to sexual motives.
I do this daily, my sweet...EASY!

But I have one flaw...and I will admit to it.
Zero stamina...I have no patience for hypocrisy for those games others consider "authentic" and loving and pure and honest.  
I cannot contain my ego and its need for clarity, despite the personal costs, to get someone to like me.
If things were different I would not even have to...but, as thins stand, the price, the cost, to me, is unbearable. Others have no pride, no ego, beyond the shallow, and, I guess no scruples no problem degrading themselves to get what they want....I DO!!!

That is my problem.
You find me interesting not because I say something new, but because I dare to say it so openly, so straight forwardly, no uninterested in the repercussions....and this is other than the bullshit you get from flatterers and those fags you call men.
it's that I have zero interest in YOUR pussy, that makes me fascinating to you.
I do not just declare it, I show it.
The only way someone like you, a unique one, can understand it, is by finding some negative relating to the one thing you pretend to stand above and beyond; SEX.

You say, you claim, you declare, about yourself, but then you also do so in regards to men and how they should not be defined by female judgments, but when you come across it, in all its indifferent care-freeness, you must explain it away, reduce it, into some pussy fearing, pussy obsessing, pussy defining, pussy referencing "illness".

Who does not believe in God fears Him?
He must e a sinner, who denies the power of God?
YES, sweetie, you are truly an exception to the rule.

The "TRUTH" about you, sweetie, is allowed to display itself freely, without me intervening.
How truly "unique" and exceptional you are, is shown in one and every single one of your postings.
No declarative statements, just you displaying, appearing, before one and all.
Should you not go amongst the blind to fake it?
No declarative statements, when all of it is finalized with an honest, display of your inner self: you are pussy-whipped!!!
Might as well call me a misogynist, my dear.
THAT would be exceptional.
Because what could a man who cares not about pussy, be?

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Gender : Female Posts : 681
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 10:19 pm

I have never stated on this Forum I am different, only you have insinuated that I believe this to be so and since you have brought it up, yes, I am different, in as much as, for a woman like myself, it is less likely for me to find a man who is  "sympatico" to my beliefs, which translated means, in case you wish to distort this, .........a feeling of sharing a commonality of some importance same/similar convictions/drives/beliefs/direction. Means with same pathos-emotional feelings.

But you don't get this, which is obvious when you say "the one thing you pretend to stand above and beyond is SEX",

You are amusing, especially when you have to resort to this............

"You should imagine me as the worse of the worse; the basest of the base; the most effete of them all.
I am a goat-man, a Satyr."

See how ordinary you sound.

A little boy beating his chest.
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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37289
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 10:45 pm

reasonvemotion wrote:
I have never stated on this Forum I am different, only you have insinuated that I believe this to be so and since you have brought it up, yes, I am different, in as much as, for a woman like myself, it is less likely for me to find a man who is  "sympatico" to my beliefs, which translated means, in case you wish to distort this, .........a feeling of sharing a commonality of some importance same/similar convictions/drives/beliefs/direction. Means with same pathos-emotional feelings.
Did you read my post, dear?

I do not deal with that albino elephant, that stands apart from the grey herd, because of some quirk of nature, some chance mutation.
I speak of the herd itself.
My reasons for doing so are very precise.
The only reason I care about this herd, no matter how dull and predictable it may be, is because it affects MY life.  

reasonvemotion wrote:
But you don't get this, which is obvious when you say "the one thing you pretend to stand above and beyond is SEX",

You are amusing, especially when you have to resort to this............
No, what you do not get, because you can only deal with the benefits, the positives, is that the very man you describe will not be what you imagine him to be.

He cannot stand outside the norms and still adhere to some of the norms, the ones you want him to, my dear.
He cannot be different and, at the same time, similar to your socially constructed ideals.
You cannot have it in every which way you prefer, dear.  

I told exposed yourself with the last comment.
You declare, stated, that you are some exception to the rule which you did not deny, then you act, think, post, in a manner which proves that you are nothing more than a variant of the common.

The "you were hurt," or "pussywhipped," is so common that I can no longer bring myself to respond to it, as once I did, directly.  
Just call me a misogynist, dear, and be done with it.

If "pussywhipped" means that I have to respect a cunt because the laws stand behind her, then it is not the pussy, itself, which whips me, dear.

That, now, common phrase "strong woman intimidate weak men" is no so strong; because men, real men, only truly fear that which protects her, not her.
Get it?!!!
If a teenager kicks my shins, it is not fear of the child that stops me form beating the shit out of him/her, and teaching him/her a lesson about the real world, my sweet.

reasonvemotion wrote:
"You should imagine me as the worse of the worse; the basest of the base; the most effete of them all.
I am a goat-man, a Satyr."

See how ordinary you sound.

A little boy beating his chest.
You have no capacity to imagine a mind admitting things that are negative to him...and so, like a common wench, you must, MUST, find in him that advantage, that self-flattery you've grown accustomed to in yourself and in the men-children you know.

Me stating that I am the lowest of the low, still cannot escape your prejudiced paradigm of self-flattery.
I must be using a ploy.
I am.

The statement, my sweet, was meant to display my indifference to your conceptions of me, on a personal level.
I just do not care.
It was a desire to return to the subject, without getting you and I involved on any level, besides the intellectual.

Whatever I say, at this point, must adhere to your misconceptions of what you imagine me to be.
I must have a motive you want me to have, or imagine me as having, because despite you being "uncommon" you can only imagine the common.
Still, I repeat, as clearly and honestly as I can: I just do not give a shit!!!
Your opinion of me, is as interesting to me as your opinion of yourself.  

I've grown beyond words, my dear...beyond personal assessments and emotional declarations of good intentions, and love, and all that bullshit.
I deal in actions.
Thinking is an action.

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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 11:04 pm

Chill out.

You have not taken into account, you are not the only contributor on this Forum, who has something of value or interest to relate, albeit considerably less often than yourself.

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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 11:07 pm

reasonvemotion wrote:
Chill out.

You have not taken into account, you are not the only contributor on this Forum, who has something of value or interest to relate, albeit considerably less often than yourself.

"Chill out"?
Do you, now, imagine me mad with emotion?


If by "other than yourself" you mean Lyssa - that once female alter ego of mine - then so be it.

I guess this session is closed, from my end.

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PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 11:13 pm

There are more than two of you on this Forum aren't there?

I meant, aposha, anfang, cold weasel, Recidivist.

That's right, run away.
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyWed Jul 31, 2013 5:28 pm

"I admit that, as a male, the female sex is more interesting to me, simply because it is alien to my own sensibilities, and my own experiences. The female is something that challenges me with her behavior, her attitude, her way of thinking and being, and I must know it."

Really satyr, really? what, like reasonvemotion's behaviour? haha
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 7:34 am

Mannequin, (indeed).
Quote :

Satyr has never entertained the thought that I am a woman of any substance and you would have gleaned this fact from his responses.

On the subject of my behaviour, the mind boggles when considering your behaviour.

It was satisfying indeed, to see a man rebuff you.

A real man.
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 9:28 am

Do you think satyr's mind boggles at my behaviour similar to yours? How unsuspecting of you.

Do you think your immature comparisons between real and not real men in the context of masculinity will provoke the response you hope for?.. this adds to the boggle of your mind.

Have you not comprehended the age we live in yet? Here's a little dose of reality,those real men no longer exist, but you already know this, don't you.

Rebuff me? that's as far as your satisfaction will ever go. By the need to turn a mere trivial hypothetical situation into the real is an indication of those desperate calls for the real men to return, which will not be happening any time soon.

Have you been abandoned?

is the remnants of your desperate ghost still lurking in the shadows? that avatar would certainly suggest so.

The average man of this age cares not for your petty childish dominant objections to reach an intellectual or social levelling in pretence form, OR for your inevitable mental, emotional and sexual submission, no matter how passive or slutty it may be..

Your chaotic energy will go unanswered. Is your waist starting to expand?

Do you think my kind needs to ask for permission, to make a proposition and wait in hope for a welcoming acceptance?
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 12:22 pm

mannequin wrote:
Do you think my kind needs to ask for permission, to make a proposition and wait in hope for a welcoming acceptance?

I'd call you Mr. Fancy Pants but you don't even wear any.
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 1:06 pm

Anfang wrote:
mannequin wrote:
Do you think my kind needs to ask for permission, to make a proposition and wait in hope for a welcoming acceptance?

I'd call you Mr. Fancy Pants but you don't even wear any.

That's fine. I prefer you call me Anfang's personal ass expander, it has a timeless ring to it.
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 1:55 pm

My name for you is based on substance and yours isn't. You are obsessed with the body to compensate for that. That you have shown with all your posts here.
You created yourself as repulsive as possible. Expanding... on it every day. So others will turn away in disgust from you. A passive-aggressive strategy which thrives today because nobody is taking out the trash for good. (Until it spawns again - a natural process)
You are a temporal anomaly.
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 2:39 pm

Anfang wrote:
My name for you is based on substance and yours isn't. You are obsessed with the body to compensate for that. That you have shown with all your posts here.
You created yourself as repulsive as possible. Expanding... on it every day. So others will turn away in disgust from you. A passive-aggressive strategy which thrives today because nobody is taking out the trash for good. (Until it spawns again - a natural process)
You are a temporal anomaly.

My name for you has a greater substance than your typical rip off. If you were more welcoming and accepting you would see that and possibly learn to appreciate it.

Your fear makes me appear repulsive.

Perhaps you are curious about some things? Do you want me to wear pants so you can rip them off in a moment of sexual madness, but I think it's too early for that.

For now I'll wear none exposing myself openly, so when your repressed sexual lust gets the better of you and we are caught in the act, you can gladly scream out ' it was like that when I got here'

So you can remain blameless for now. It should help you cope.
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 7:09 pm

reasonvemotion wrote:
Mannequin, (indeed).
Quote :

Satyr has never entertained the thought that I am a woman of any substance and you would have gleaned this fact from his responses.

On the subject of my behaviour, the mind boggles when considering your behaviour.

It was satisfying indeed, to see a man rebuff you.

A real man.
But you are a woman of substance, my sweet....and that is what is most disheartening.
In our age you are the highest, most interesting female, we can come across.....well except for Lyssa, of course.
She's something rare.

As for mannequin...I can understand him, minus the sexual innuendo.
I never experienced closeness with a female as I have with a male...because sex ruins it.
Particularly when it pretends to be, equal, and same, and intimate, and special.

With a man there's always an understanding as to who is on top.

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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 7:25 pm

Putting the thread back on topic...

Woman is not human like the human male, like otto would say "they have no sense of the angel in man" Women do not navigate by a set of rules, they project emotionally on a momentary level, this is acceptable to her and defended by the level and intensity of the fickle emotion, her nature.

Women are disgusted by their own nature, they know what they are and they cannot control it. They seek to gain power without any real solid objective, she simply continuously consumes. The female state is a slutty state. She wants to be dominated, the more dominant she is the more dominated she wants to be.

She will project her vile nonsense on to man to test the water, his strength, his ability to maintain himself in the face of abuse. Her attraction will grow stronger and stronger relative to the strength he maintains, eventually she submits to a degree. This testing the water never stops.

If the man begs, chases or bargains or if she gains a respect, a fairness or mutuality, her disgust will grow and grow and she will only seek to destroy it.

Woman is a jealous greedy whore, they want everything, especially if it is more powerful than her. Woman hate anything that does not go out of it's way to prove itself worthy whilst desiring it at the same time if the strength of it is evident.

Woman is like a fisherman, pulling in fish and then throwing them carelessly back into the river because they are not good enough, if she finds one she likes she will eat it...and then continue fishing....

The female process is constant no matter where it is.

You can destroy any woman with silence.
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 7:36 pm


Quote :
If the man begs, chases or bargains or if she gains a respect, a fairness or mutuality, her disgust will grow and grow and she will only seek to destroy it.

Are you so fearful.

I know who you are.

This will be interesting.
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 7:46 pm

reasonvemotion wrote:

Quote :
If the man begs, chases or bargains or if she gains a respect, a fairness or mutuality, her disgust will grow and grow and she will only seek to destroy it.

Are you so fearful.

I know who you are.

This will be interesting.

No lovely, you don't know who I am. I know nothing of anybody on this forum except Satyr, who I exchanged a few private emails with.

If you don't want to believe that, it's up to you, but it will only stunt that little substance you have left.

All men are fearful in this age, not of you, but the force that protects you.
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 7:49 pm

Whatever you say.

I will play the game, for now.
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Deconstructing Eve Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deconstructing Eve Deconstructing Eve EmptyFri Aug 02, 2013 1:48 am

mannequin wrote:
Your fear makes me appear repulsive.


The rest, no.
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