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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37245
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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyTue Jan 24, 2017 6:48 am

Conditioning Conditions
A female's 'genius' is found in her natural ability to completely, and willingly submit herself to the moment, finding her place within circumstances out of her control.
What resources are accessible to her, mental and physical, are directed toward pragmatic, practical applications.
She is easily taken by a superior promise, and just as easily she is disillusioned, turning away to find the authentic.
Her loyalties remain just as long as what she is loyal has merit in the circumstances she is forced to exist within, judging only its potentials in relation to what is.
More intelligent females judge potentials using long-term projections of value remaining undiminished but multiplying over time. She can tolerate an immediate loss, or a increase in cost over benefit, in the present, if, in her mind, the benefit would multiply in the future to justify all the costs, to her, in the immediate - this is the risk she takes, correcting it with every new influx of information adjusting her investment strategies.
She will give her life, the ultimate cost, if she's determined her choice to be something that is worthy of her sacrifice.
A females intelligence is completely taken over by the immediate.
The social dominates her mind when society has engulfed her, when meme has pushed back nature to the periphery.
The male's superior potentials of mind and body are usually divided between the pragmatic and the ideal.
He must think outside the boundaries of society, of humanity, if he is to be a successful provider, and a dominant leader.
Beginning in the primal need to enter an alien species mind, to think as it thinks, predicting its choices, the male must also exit social conventions, overcome his natural disposition towards authority, beginning with that of his father, so as to overcome, and go beyond.
His mind is spiritually inclined, rising above the physical, the phenomenon, on wings of imagination, the noumenon, gaining an advantage over those he is competing with.
Nihilism could only have been a male construct females then took-to as the dominant world-view and attitude.
For the female being precise about her psychological judgments, orients her within group dynamics.
She cultivates her powers to judged personality, and place it within particular group dynamics.
The male's mind cannot occupy itself with such details. His judgments are quick, and sweeping, taking time as a factor. He exits group dynamics, placing himself outside, above, as a alien god, to judge the group as a whole. Details are Incorporated into broad generalizations, streamlining his tactics.
Just as with hunting, he cannot waste time on studying a particular member of a species, but only as a example of a general behavioural category it validates with its particular choices and actions.
Depersonalizing the prey prevents any psychological sympathy that would decrease his predatory talents from reaching their graceful efficiency.
Dehumanizing his opponent prevents his empathy to reach the debilitating state of sympathy, inhibiting the actions required to ascend, to usurp, to destroy so as to build in accordance with his will.
Ascending to power shifts to maintaining/preserving power – from hunter to farmer, from masculine to a more feminine demeanour, managing the internal conflicts and threats to his authority, a male must adjust his behaviour to the circumstances of his own relationship to the group.
In his newly acquired interests females can prove loyal and gifted allies, lionesses defending the investments, the sacrifices made to him, for him, and he, is, for them, an ally that favours their rise social status, determining their social options.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37245
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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyTue Jan 24, 2017 9:01 am

Placing the ideal before the real is what leads to the denial of racial, and sexual distinctions, or any naturally evolved identities, and the usage of words in ways that will facilitate a particular conclusion.

The metaphor becomes the ideological framework, the theoretical ideal, usurping the real, or burying it beneath linguistic hyperbole, and word-juggling confusion.
Noumenon replaces phenomenon as the order we must abide by, and symbols, linguistic art, what nature must shape itself around - life imitating art.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37245
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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyTue Jan 24, 2017 11:57 am

The idea of a non-cognitive approach to life, as one not taking into account of a pre-judged cost/benefit, is based on a cultivated confidence in one's ability to adjust, in real time, to the effects without bringing them into lucidity, that would decrease the grace of the performance - its effect/efficiency.
This is the method used in the martial art where due to continuous practice/training a particular reaction to stimuli overcomes evolved automatic reactions.
Thinking would contradict the training's attempt to usurp genetics with memetics, decreasing the efficiency of the reaction, experienced as a decrease in its grace, its impressive eloquence.
Training increases confidence in one's abilities to deal with any contingency, known and unknown.

The student may also be trained to be indifferent to the outcome, as victory/defeat, and only want to put up a 'good fight' or display his training, and his commitment to self as a product of his own willing.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37245
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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyTue Jan 24, 2017 12:40 pm

Martial arts have developed out of the demands of warfare into a spiritual mind/body ascetic approach to nurturing overcoming nature.
Its method of cultivating tolerance to stress (suffering), uses controlled asceticism to habituate the student to paths-of-more-resistance, and self-confidence based on habituation, survival, with defeat, and victory - accepting both with equal grace.
Students learn how much pain and suffering they can endure, raising their confidence, and self-esteem, in relation to the norm, or to otherness.

Asceticism consists in a continuous, ordered, reaction to stimuli, until they become second-nature, or just as automatic as those they replace.
Benefit is transferred away from an outcome and back to self, as an adjustment of self to an unforeseeable, random, cosmos.
The fight itself becomes a reflection of life's agon, and the individual's constitution is reflected in how he or she can endure the punishment, wilfully accepted to display and to test self.
The individual proves himself adequate to circumstances, to self, if not to others, raising his self-esteem.
How much of world can be endure, how much punishment can he tolerate and not break?
This is the benefit.
The cost being obvious. Physical and mental damage suffered and survived.
Survival becomes a secondary concern when a ideal takes over as the motive: fame, fortune, family, pride, ego, what one leaves behind as a legacy of ones inevitable passing.
Death is a certainty, how one lives will endure as memory - genetic or memetic.

It's not that you die, but how you lived and faced death - how you died.

I recall Kazantzakis' image of the dying Zorba screaming out his last breath, standing in his last moments, and echoing Dylan's poem 'raging against the dying of the light'.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37245
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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyWed Jan 25, 2017 12:56 pm

We all know, in our hearts, that there is a life not worth living, and a living that would be unbearable.
For the coward, such thoughts cannot be endured, and he must become convinced that life itself is worth any cost, and that any condition can become bearable in time.

Christians had to make suicide a sin, to stop the courageous ones from seeking 'better' living conditions in the theoretical after-life, and the secular humanist had to make pleasure his lifelong cause, just to endure himself living.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37245
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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyFri Jan 27, 2017 6:53 am

Already stated...

Knowledge = noumena, constructed by using stimuli from the (inter)action of patterns in congruence.
Understanding = connecting patterns into what we call 'meaning' and finding patterns within the patterns (inter)acting.

Imagination = projecting the patterns to prepare, or predict coming (inter)actions.
Imagination uses the present, to predict, the 'yet to be', trying to trace the relationship of patterns so as to discover a repeating pattern.
Relating, in the mind, multiple variations, it seeks a combination that is realistic - based on reality.

Fantasy = realism is ignored, and the mind connects patterns into 'meanings' that have no precedent, and no basis in reality.
This is usually used to relieve self from the demands of world, and natural order.
It creates its own meanings.

Gnosis = to know is to discover the connections, relationship between (inter)acting patterns, and non-patterned contingencies, so as to establish a more-probable world-view, so as to then direct the aggregate energies of the organism (Will), to navigate these (inter)actions towards a desirable outcome - objective.

Ignorance = absence of knowledge of the connections, relationships, between patterns, and/or congruities of patterns.
Random energies, (inter)actions, are always a pool of ignorance one has to take into consideration as the unknowable factor.
Either because data is missing, or data has not been accurately processed and related to other data, ignorance will fail to navigate towards its desirable goal, its objective.
Finding no pattern in the relationships of (inter)acting patterns, reduced to knowledge (abstractions stored in the brain as ideas, or noumena), or finding the wrong connections, being corrupted in reasoning by emotion, desire, or stupidity, a genetic limit to pattern recognition, can only result in error.

Most common mistakes are due to the absence of data, making the connections required for understanding incomplete.
Increasingly common, among moderns, mistakes are due to projecting connections between patterns that do not correspond to anything outside the mind - fantasy, where imagination is cast free from the demands and limitations of natural order.
To connect patterns that do relate in the manner imagined, the mind converts the data to a desirable form - it fantasizes, using the imagination, and renames the product to facilitate the relationship desired.

This method is one that connects noetic abstractions, not in relation to external phenomena, or patterns in congruence (inter)acting, relating, but connects them in the mind, having interpreted them into abstractions and then detached from their relationships outside the mind.

An example of this would be a unicorn, or centaur, or satyr, where the fantastic recombination of already existing in naturally ordered relationships, is obvious.

But things become insidious, when the pattern is reduced to an abstraction, renamed, so as to to combine it, synthesize it, into a relationship that is not immediately obvious - motive being to be inconspicuous in the fantastic recombination of ideas into imaginary unities.
There are two basic motives for this ruse.
Either the mind seeks a relief from an external natural order, it feel insecure and inadequate before, or the mind wishes to present itself as creative, by plagiarizing the 'understanding' of another, altering the symbols/names/metaphors and then presenting it as uniquely its own.

An additional motive would be the desire to combine patterns in fanciful ways, like the centaur, but where the product is presented as realistic, rather than as the combination of patterns in imaginative ways that correspond to nothing outside its mind - trickery.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37245
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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyFri Jan 27, 2017 10:12 am

An error describes the discrepancy between the noetic interpretations, connected into webs of meaning, called understanding, and the patterns, outside the mind, independent from interpretations, or, using another metaphor, the phenomena, what is interpreted as presence/appearance of congruent patterns, independent from noetic constructs.

This disparity is one between the fluid real, and the representational, static ideal.
The immediate consequences are measured by cost/benefit, affecting the organism, the observing interpreting, subjective organism, to a degree proportional to the disparity, the error made, if and when it is not protected from these consequences by an external factor, such as a parent, or the State, or some other Will with its own motives for providing this intervening protection - motive.

Cost/Benefit being the measurement of theory, defined by words/symbols, applied as action, as movement, choice.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37245
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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyFri Feb 03, 2017 1:05 pm

I've said this before...

In the absence of knowledge, the ignorant uses what it understands most, itself, to whatever degree it understands itself, to deal with the stress producing unknown other.
This is more so for minds that have decided that their inadequacy is a universal truth, and cannot comprehend, or are unwilling to accept, the possibility of gradations, as is the case with those who self-identify with subjectivity and reject objectivity as a threatening myth.

This lack is essentially an inability to empathize: imagine self, in the others circumstances, without personal circumstances, and emotions, corrupting the process.
This is a lack of artistry.
Instead they use superficial, shallow, evaluation of the other, and simply project self in the place of other, producing sympathy.
Their imagination cannot go so far as to extricate its personal interests, its emotional investments, from its projections. This is why they confuse empathy for sympathy, unable to grasp how one can place himself in the others circumstances and not surrender to the emotions, and ones own self-interests.
For them to empathize and to sympathize are a tautology.
This makes their judgments are expression of self. They expose themselves, their secret investments, their emotional baggage, when they judge others, and can only understands judgment as the other exposing himself.
They cannot understand a judgments void of self-interest and emotions.
That's why the only way they can comprehend any critique of female/male dynamics, homosexuality, and races, is by projecting self, in the others circumstances and then identifying the possibly motives as self-interests and emotions...most often hatred.

For the vast majority, the talent-less, the inartistic, critique is not about revealing other, but it is, inevitably, the revealing of self, as other.
To put it bluntly, for the simple minded the accusation, the judgment, the critique usually displays what they intuitively, if not consciously, fear they are most guilty of.
Unable to comprehend any other motive, outside pleasure/pain, they seek in what would give them the most pleasure a reason, and accuse the other of it.

All you need to do is sit back and let them expose themselves as they attempt to expose you.
The most they can do is imagine how they would feel, if they were in your place, saying and doing what they see you doing and hear you saying.  
This is also why they insist that appearances are superficial.
because for them, in their own understanding, they ARE.
This is why they repeat that 'you cannot judge a book by its cover' extending the 'book' metaphor to mean organism, the individual, because for them, this is a fact.
They project their own inabilities upon other, and consider ti a uni-versal truth.
They imply that all of science, and philosophy, are worthless, because man judges everything using his senses. Man reads the essence of other by using aesthetics, and this have proven to be adequate, because judging other by how it behaves, how it looks, has helped man survive and dominate.    
But not all men are created equal.
The men-children, the feminine mind, has a rudimentary understanding of other, because they cannot separate their emotions, their self-interests from their judgment. This is successful when the other is like them, but fails miserably when the other is alien to them, and something beyond their ability to comprehend, or relate to.    

Females are gifted in reading members of their own kind - inter-tribe relationships, but fail when they must understand the different.
Men evolved this ability o understand other, to aid them in their hunting, where the prey was a creature completely alien to their inter-group, human dynamics and their human psychology.
The only way they could do this is by analyzing behaviour, relating it to their own, using self-knowledge, and then extricating themselves from the conclusion - this is called being objective.
For women it was easier, and they could focus their entire mental energies towards self-analysis as a method of understanding other, who was almost exactly like them.
Where men had to empathize and not sympathize, to understand an alien organisms behaviour and then make the kill, women could only empathize and then sympathize, contributing to their social alliances and group status.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37245
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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyFri Feb 03, 2017 1:19 pm

Women ad children can only use their empathy as sympathy, to reveal and maintain inter-personal relationships. within human dynamics.
With feminization, men can only see themselves in the ui-verse, as women do.Their empathy is corrupted by emotions and self-interests, becoming sympathetic.
They confuse humanity for world, and empathy for sympathy.

Everywhere they look they see versions of themselves.
Minds trapped in their own reflections, in their own projections.

Philosophy adjusts to this feminization, as men-children begin to dominate, numerically, along with women and children.

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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyFri Feb 03, 2017 4:24 pm

Words as Mind/Body and Ideal/Real Connectors

Just as critique of someone, or something, also exposes the critic, to the degree that he or she can manage to extricate his own interests and emotions from the final result, so does the choice of words expose the mind's thinking.
Words as representations of the nervous system connecting mind to body, and organism to world - ideal to the real - can also be used to trace the thought back to its source.

There are no absolutes, and this means that absolute objectivity is impossible.
objectivity describes a level of subjectivity, just as strength exposes a level, a degree, of weakness.

Even as a remnant of the thinking mind's automatic reactivity, its primal intuitive spark, then corrected, it remains to hint at the individual's inner processes, its spirit, its innermost motive.

We can see Schopenhauer's personal interest, his spirit, what he cared for the most, and what he felt the most insecure about, in his choice of the word 'will', to describe existence.
Just as we can see how this affected Nietzsche, adding to it his own inner passion with the choice of the word 'power'.
Power was of great primal importance to Nietzsche, perhaps feeling powerless, as was the will for Schopenhauer, concerning with imposing himself upon world, or world imposing itself upon him.
We can do the same with all philosophers, or thinkers that have left us their thinking in text form.
Just as we can feel the spirit of the musician, in the manner he plays music, or the painter in the imagery he shows us, using particular colours and brushstrokes and combination, so too a writer shows us his soul, through his words - their choice, their arrangement, their placement in relation to other words, their recurrence, their rhythms.
With art the artists shows us his reaction to world.
Philosophy is art and science combined.
The philosopher exposes his relationship to the world we all share in, with his metaphors, the words he chose to describe it, how he used them, where he placed them in a sentence and hat other words he included  in the description.  

No matter how objective some thinkers are, their choice of symbols, words, exposes an inner turmoil, pathos, desire, interest, because unlike mathematics, the most abstract metaphorical form, words always carry with them nuances, subjective baggage.
The manner to which the thinker, the one expressing his views, applies his metaphor, and his past performances, precedent, help to focus our understanding of his underlying psychology.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37245
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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyTue Feb 07, 2017 6:35 pm

As was predicted, with the end of homosexuality coming out of the closet, we can now see how transgender psychosis is in full swing, edging towards full social acceptance.
Psychology of victims permitting every dysfunctional individual to claim being 'wronged' and demanding full and complete social acceptance.

What dysfunction is next?
Well, as soon as the transgender issue fizzles, and becomes mainstream like homosexuality, the next sexual dysfunction to demand acceptance will be either bestiality or, more likely, paedophilia.
It's more likely that Bestiality will follow the 'normalization' of paedophilia, because it has to go through some additional steps through the elimination of species bias, and the whole issue of consent.
Bestiality will have to argue that animals offer consent in non-verbal; gestures, or behaviours, such as wagging the tail, or whatnot.
For this reason I predict paedophilia as the next sexual dysfunction, the next paraphilic behaviour to demand their 'rights'.
Pedophiles will argue against age bias, as transsexuals and homosexuals argued against sexual functionality bias and gender bias.
Pedophiles will demand we rid ourselves of ageism, and claim that sex and love is good and healthy, no matter what age you are.  

How long this will take, I do not know. We still have strong biases against pedophiles, and iti will take a generation or two of strong pop-cultural social engineering to prepare the groundwork,a s they did with homosexuals and transsexuals.
If there is no social push-back, or the system does not collapse, transsexuals will go mainstream in the next generation.
Asking "what's your gender identity?" will be part of the normal dating scene.
That's when paedophilia will ascend, and take the same path homosexuality and transgenders too towards normalization.
Once paedophilia goes mainstream, it will be the time for bestiality.
At some point marriages between infants and old adults will be nothing to comment on without facing prison and attacks like "you are a age hater" or something having to do with hating youth or old people.
Bestiality will be the 'taking down' of the species boundaries. Species prejudices.
It would be interesting to see how they normalize inter-species marriages, demanding the recognition of man-animal love, or families.

All this may sound weird and funny and disgusting to you, now, but I remind you that if you told a man or woman, in the fifties, of how in the early 2000nds homosexual marriage would be 'normal' and transsexuals would be demanding to be called by their unique pronouns they would have laughed, and called you insane, wondering if you were sane or not.
We're in an Age where something as basic as sex is being denied its natural functionality.
The dis-ease is spreading, and growing in boldness.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37245
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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyThu Feb 09, 2017 11:06 am

Maintaining a steady level of anxiety, fear/stress, releases excessive energies, converting them from repressed, explosive energies, to nervous tension, released in a constant harmless stream.

Anxiety demands placation, relief.
Consuming food, taking narcotics, purchasing a new item, as a 'positive' compensation of promise offering a buyer's 'high', relieves it.
anxiety floods the mind with insecurity. It seeks comfort in others, or in distraction.

Zombificaiton is the outcome.
How are zombies, the metaphor, depicted in film?
Mindless, shuffling aimlessly, attracted by sound, congregating into huge groups because their hunger and their attraction o sound, forces them to converge in the same places.
Their 'organization' is based no their automatic reactions, and their insatiable hunger for health and vigour, represented by flesh and blood - an inner void that can never be satisfied.

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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptySat Feb 11, 2017 7:16 am

Attracting a pattern implies it be drawn close and assimilated, by harmonizing it, to whatever degree it can be.
Attraction follows the path-of-least-resistance. Patterns drawn towards each other in relation to other patterns - being more in harmony means less resistance, less repulsion. Path-of-least-resistance describes this lower resistance, we cal attraction, just as power describes a degree of weakness, knowledge a degree of ignorance.
Patterns differ in rate of oscillation/vibration, frequency, and rhythm.
Harmonization between similar patterns means the coincidence of rhythms - the stronger pattern, or congruity of patterns, imposing its rhythm upon the weaker one.

Organically this becomes the process of assimilating nutrients - feeding.
Replenishing the organism's aggregate energies, the patterns in congruence losing to attrition their sum-total of aggregate energies, and the field of attraction/repulsion effect.
Only iterating congruities, such as organisms, or what we call life, can willfully direct the congruence towards or away from other patterns.
This primary movement towards and away, reflecting attraction/repulsion, become fight/flight, good/bad, binary logic, and dualism.
A primitive organism does not have the processing sophistication to identify nuances. All it has evolved the capacity to do is generalize: towards/away, then evolving into a more sophisticated discrimination of friend/foe, edible, inedible, then higher, more discriminating, and more abstract, good/bad, good/evil, 1/0.
Binary logic founded on absolutes: one/nil, beginning with the one, the thing: something/nothing.
The relationship of opposites is a relationship of subjective, simplifications/generalizations - abstractions based on the easy to evolve neurological of on/off.
Degree of fluidity, between the nerve pulse and the nerve cell, perceived and categorized in relation to the observer as energy/matter.
Fluidity, dynamism, reduced to binary code.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37245
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Satyrnalium - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyTue Feb 14, 2017 9:01 pm

Today I heard a Greek politician, named Georgiadis, speak a truth.
He's one of the few who speaks so honestly and directly, and this gets him into trouble, which makes him my favourite.
He is also a avid reader of ancient Greek, text, being a book seller, and a gifted orator.
His weakness is his voice...shrill.

What he said is that the problem with modern Greece, and its economic issues, goes back to the ancient times, explaining the fact that despite them being superior to any other people they never could translate this superiority into world domination.
The Greek trait that makes them charming, child-like, and also forever unable to dominate as a group, is forgetfulness.
They forget as easily as a child.
Quote :
[22b] and by recounting the number of years occupied by the events mentioned he tried to calculate the periods of time. Whereupon one of the priests, a prodigiously old man, said, "O Solon, Solon, you Greeks are always children: there is not such a thing as an old Greek." And on hearing this he asked, "What mean you by this saying?" And the priest replied, "You are young in soul, every one of you. For therein you possess not a single belief that is ancient and derived from old tradition, nor yet one science that is hoary with age.

This gives them a certain appeal, charm, makes them delightful to be around, but it also makes them inept, unable to assert themselves, but only be infectious.
Did not Nietzsche make such an observation?
Their resilience is found in their ability to dominate unintentionally.
Every new circumstance fresh and new as if it had not occurred before.
Unable to hold a grudge, to become vindictive until Christianity took hold of them.
They could never build upon their experiences.
They continuously forgot, and reaffirmed.
Lethe. un-forget. To re-call.
Germans could never forget. Nor Nietzsche.
Nor can I.

And so, as Seferis, the poet wrote...

Seferis wrote:
Όπου και  να ταξιδέψω η Ελλάδα με πληγώνει

Στο Πήλιο μέσα στις καστανιές το πουκάμισο του Κενταύρου
γλιστρούσε μέσα στα φύλλα για να τυλιχτεί στο κορμί μου
καθώς ανέβαινα την ανηφόρα κι η θάλασσα μ’ ακολουθούσε
ανεβαίνοντας κι αυτή σαν τον υδράργυρο θερμομέτρου
ως που να βρούμε τα νερά του βουνού.

Στη Σαντορίνη αγγίζοντας νησιά που βουλιάζαν
ακούγοντας να παίζει ένα σουραύλι κάπου στις αλαφρόπετρες
μου κάρφωσε το χέρι στην κουπαστή
μια σαΐτα τιναγμένη ξαφνικά
από τα πέρατα μιας νιότης βασιλεμένης.

Στις Μυκήνες σήκωσα τις μεγάλες πέτρες και τους θησαυρούς των Ατρειδών
και πλάγιασα μαζί τους στο ξενοδοχείο της "Ωραίας Ελένης του Μενελάου".
Χάθηκαν μόνο την αυγή που λάλησε η Κασσάνδρα
μ’ έναν κόκορα κρεμασμένο στο μαύρο λαιμό της.
Στις Σπέτσες στον Πόρο και στη Μύκονο
με χτίκιασαν οι βαρκαρόλες.

Τι θέλουν όλοι αυτοί που λένε
πως βρίσκουνται στην Αθήνα ή στον Πειραιά;
Ο ένας έρχεται από Σαλαμίνα και ρωτάει τον άλλο μήπως "έρχεται εξ Ομονοίας"
"Όχι έρχομαι εκ Συντάγματος" απαντά κι είν’ ευχαριστημένος
"βρήκα το Γιάννη και με κέρασε ένα παγωτό".
Στο μεταξύ η Ελλάδα ταξιδεύει
δεν ξέρουμε τίποτε δεν ξέρουμε πως είμαστε ξέμπαρκοι όλοι εμείς
δεν ξέρουμε την πίκρα του λιμανιού σαν ταξιδεύουν όλα τα καράβια,
περιγελάμε εκείνους που τη νιώθουν.

Παράξενος κόσμος που λέει πως βρίσκεται στην Αττική
και δε βρίσκεται πουθενά.
Αγοράζουν κουφέτα για να παντρευτούνε
κρατούν "σωσίτριχα" φωτογραφίζουνται.
Ο άνθρωπος που είδα σήμερα καθισμένος σ’ ένα φόντο με πιτσούνια και με λουλούδια
δέχουνταν το χέρι του γέρο φωτογράφου να του στρώνει τις ρυτίδες
που είχαν αφήσει στο πρόσωπό του
όλα τα πετεινά τ’ ουρανού.

Στο μεταξύ η Ελλάδα ταξιδεύει ολοένα ταξιδεύει
κι αν "ορώμεν ανθούν πέλαγος Αιγαίον νεκροίς"
είναι εκείνοι που θέλησαν να πιάσουν το μεγάλο καράβι με το κολύμπι
εκείνοι που βαρέθηκαν να περιμένουν τα καράβια που δεν μπορούν να κινήσουν

Σφυρίζουν τα καράβια τώρα που βραδιάζει στον Πειραιά
σφυρίζουν ολοένα σφυρίζουν μα δεν κουνιέται κανένας αργάτης
καμμιά αλυσίδα δεν έλαμψε βρεμένη στο στερνό φως που βασιλεύει
ο καπετάνιος μένει μαρμαρωμένος μες στ’ άσπρα και στα χρυσά.

Όπου και να ταξιδέψω η Ελλάδα με πληγώνει
παραπετάσματα βουνών αρχιπέλαγα γυμνοί γρανίτες...
το καράβι που ταξιδεύει το λένε ΑΓΩΝΙΑ 937

Wherever I may travel Greece wounds me....


Quote :
Με μια πιρόγα φεύγεις και γυρίζεις
τις ώρες που αγριεύει η βροχή
στη γη των Βησιγότθων αρμενίζεις
και σε κερδίζουν κήποι κρεμαστοί
μα τα φτερά σου σιγοπριονίζεις

Σκέπασε αρμύρα το γυμνό κορμί σου
σου `φερα απ’ τους Δελφούς γλυκό νερό
στα δύο είπες πως θα κοπεί η ζωή σου
και πριν προλάβω τρις να σ’ αρνηθώ
σκούριασε το κλειδί του παραδείσου

Το καραβάνι τρέχει μες στη σκόνη
και την τρελή σου κυνηγάει σκιά
πώς να ημερέψει ο νους μ’ ένα σεντόνι
πώς να δεθεί η Μεσόγειος με σχοινιά
αγάπη που σε λέγαμ’ Αντιγόνη

Ποια νυχτωδία το φως σου έχει πάρει
και σε ποιο γαλαξία να σε βρω
εδώ είναι Αττική φαιό νταμάρι
κι εγώ ένα πεδίο βολής φτηνό
που ασκούνται βρίζοντας ξένοι φαντάροι

In a pirogue you leave and re-turn
in the hours when the rain becomes wild
in the land of Visigoth you sail
and hanging gardens win you over
but, you are slowly saw your own wings

Salt covered your naked body
I brought you, from Delfi, fresh water
In two, you said that your life would be cut
And before I could deny you thrice
The key, of paradise, rusted

The caravan runs through the dust
and, your mad shadow, it chases
How could a sheet tame the mind
How could the Mediterranean be bound by ropes
Love, who's was called Antigone

Which night melody has stolen your light
And in which galaxy can I find you
Here is Attica, a grey quarry
And me, a cheap shooting range
Where foreign soldiers train, cursing

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Last edited by Satyr on Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyThu Feb 16, 2017 11:55 am

When people are too content, for too long, they begin looking for ways to stress themselves.

All the energies that would have been expunged with stress begin to accumulate.
no artificial method can sufficiently deal with them, and not for long.
No porn, no sporting activity, no extreme activity, no movie can continuously rid the individual of what accumulates easily.
No narcotic, distraction, can do the job for long.

The mind returns to the need to expel excess, and because it has not truly experienced extreme lack, living in artificially maintained environments of superfluity, it begins to lose contact with the source of this excess. It degrades it in value, because the effort required to accumulate it was minimal. It wastes what it can no longer feel pleasure in expunging.
Bit, by bit, it becomes bored, with itself and with the entire process.

The fundamentals are too easy, so it looks for a thrill in the mundane.

When philosophy is shared among such minds, its value is lost in convenience.
They need the extraordinary, the supernatural, the exceptional to feel something is being accomplished.
In their heads they begin toying with reality, wanting to fabricate an exciting experience.  

For those born and raised in such sheltering circumstances the absence of an experience with lack, with suffering, with loss, leads them towards increasingly excessive wastefulness.
There is no absurdity too large for them to pull back, for they know not what will come, having to experience other than excess, and costs too small to matter.
The desire to experience existence as need/suffering drives them further and further towards the edge of their tolerance.
Some, overstep the boundary, and finally feel what they craved in a final epiphany.
Most, pull back once their tolerance levels are exceeded, which are not great, because they've been sheltered.
They then dismiss the edge of their comfort levels as a line nobody ought to cross, wanting to hide their inability to tolerate reality further.

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptySat Feb 18, 2017 11:14 am

Unable to completely break free from their comfortable presuppositions, the Nihilists shifts from Abrahamic religion, to Marxism, and from Humanism to Transhumanism.

God's authority is replaced by the State's and then by the Human's.
Each authority detached from reality, and converted to a pure noetic construct - Ideal.
The underlying necessary presupposition is that all order must be the product of a conscious, rational, mind.
Natural order must either be created by a god, or by man, or in liberalism by a collective of agreeing humans.
Order is not dis-covered already made, but it is willfully created out of nothing.
Not reported, objectively, but constructed, subjectively, and then supported collectively, or imposed violently.

Abrahamic Nihilism has no been abandoned, it has been adapted, adjusted, preserving its core elements.
The collective bonding principle being morality.
How many does the idea integrate and keep safe, from the world beyond?

God is replaced by the vague abstraction of morality, as God's word, or State law.
Humanity idealized, their collective will expressed through morality - love/hate the moral ingredients replacing good/evil.

The Nihilistic, pure noumenon/abstraction, God, is replaced by State, and finally by the idealized, sanctified concept of Humanity.
God's word, becomes State rule, and then Human morality.
Morality ceases to be an evolved method of integrating organisms into cohesive groups, surrendering a portion of freedom to be compensated for by an increase in the degree of potential survival, and it becomes, like Divine love, like State law, a binding authority.
As pure abstraction it can be invoked in any circumstance, as a form of peer-pressure, or justification, when no reasons or arguments can be found to confront a threatening world.

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptySun Feb 19, 2017 10:03 am

Symbiosis and Parasitism
The Art of Plagiarism

A thief enters the home of a wealthy man to take what he cannot earn, or make, on his own.
He pawns what he steals, as if he took ownership of them.
Every day his halls are emptied, by the thief, the wealthy man replaces what has been stolen, with newer, more brilliant, for elaborate luxurious artifacts, and every night the thief enters his home, as he sleeps, to take it away and present it as his own.
The wealthy man does not care, but is only irritated by the thief's ingratitude.
He appreciates the thief's efforts, because it allows him to update his ornaments, and create alternates to what he has created, or it allows him to replace, with a copy, slightly improved, what has been stolen.    

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyTue Feb 21, 2017 6:12 pm


Master, feeling weak before world, learns to dominate other organisms to deal with this weakness, and in so doing suppresses the inferior, imposing upon them an added burden.
Slave, feeling vulnerable before world and oppressed by those who use them to cope with the world feel resentful towards the first.
Nietzsche's master/slave morality.

Words, in this context, connect the master to the world they must deal with, and the way they deal with it is to invent a manipulative language to keep the slaves down - they take an evolved social behavior, emerging in social species to integrate independent organisms into a cooperative whole and use it to keep the slaves down, and working for them.
They sell their way of life, which helps them cope with the world, as a 'good' the slave must compare himself to, to find self-worth.
They invent good/evil in relation to their values which imposes a rule of conduct, and a standard that keeps the slave working for the maintenance of their method of coping with a world they feel vulnerable within.
They invent good/evil, imposing it as a moral standard, and they place themselves as the ideal, the good.
Slaves rebel inverting this - Nihilism.

All this is psychology.
Although psychology is part of philosophy, as are all the disciplines we call science, and although it describes how a social organism reacts and copes with the world, the terms good/evil, no longer apply to the cosmos, in the sense of a morality if we exit this social context of morality and how organisms relate to each other, when confronted by world, and explore cosmos independent from master/slave morality.
Then good/evil no longer makes sense, and the words good/bad replace them, momentarily, as we exit from the social context into the life context where socializing is not universal, but a specific method of survival.
If we proceed to extricate our thinking from the subjectivity of living organisms we then find that good/bad are meaningless.

There is no good/evil, morality, and no good/bad, but only in relation to a living organism, in the latter case, and a living organism using social cooperation as its method of dealing with world, in the former.
Morality is meaningless outside life, form the perspective of an organism evolved to be dependent on others of its own kind. for such a mind to detach itself form moral concepts is to condemn itself to certain death, an evil in itself.
It is trapped in its own evolved predisposition.
It must try to think outside moral rules, and to do so is an immoral act, of self-destruction.

Words become weapons and tools of oppression and dominance - of asserting self over others.
But to apply the same words, in the same way, outside this context is meaningless.  
using good/evil, is just as meaningless as using good/bad, when trying to describe the world independent of life and living interests and the dispositions they produce.

If we are to free ourselves from this restricting and limited way of philosophizing we must use this predisposition, subjectivity, as a necessary and inescapable starting point, and then extricate ourselves from the judgment, objectivity, where good/bad become orientation tools, not absolute terms.
So, while we cannot break away form using ourselves as the middle, to distinguish and categorize matter and energy, or light from dark, or warm form cold, we can realize that these designations are relative to how we use self as the middle, the standard.

Going beyond means finding the standard by which we can evaluate ourselves, and others independent from our subjectivity being used as the mid point.
Instead of evaluating self in relation to other humans, or within human environments, we can evaluate self, in relation to world, which incorporates others but does not make them the central point of our standard.
Now, words no longer have value in the way they can manipulate and exploit inferior others, or place ourselves as the standard these others must measure themselves against, but have a utility, helping us evaluate self, and our choices, behavior in relation to an indifferent cosmos.    

A master affirming self does not involve a declaration he is convinced of, or he convinces others of, as being 'good', but must come from how he, in relation to others, relate to world, just as he lives by continuously rejecting what is outside his ordering, becoming.  
It does not matter what he says or thinks, nor does it matter what these others say and think, what matters is what they do, how they act, behave, and how this relates to the world that neither thinks or speaks, but still relates to organism as force, as persistent, indifferent, (inter)activity.

Beauty ceases to be about individual taste, at any given time, or preference built on social conventions and attitudes, but becomes a measure of an accumulated resistance to world, built on generations of resisting attrition.

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyFri Feb 24, 2017 9:30 am

Walking among Silent Legends
In times of great turmoil and stress, through some chance configuration of predisposition and circumstance, an otherwise obscure figure can come to become a legend, to be recalled, for generations to come, as a mythological icon, his feats exaggerated and what part chance played in his deeds attributed to the power of his will.
Although a remarkable and rare figure, he is by no means the only.
How many, with the same predisposition, within the same circumstances vanished in obscurity, could only be explained as the circumstantial configurations of the known and unknown we call luck.

We can say the same about infamous thinkers, explorers, lovers, and historical villains.
Perhaps we walk among those who given a different environment could emerge, releasing untapped potential, as great benefactors or great monsters.

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptySat Feb 25, 2017 7:57 am

When people say their lives have no meaning what they mean is they do not know themselves, in relation to world, have no goal, as a consequence, and therefore cannot focus on anything.
They are confused, going from one goal to the other.

If we apply my definition of meaning as how patterns (inter)act, or how phenomena, which is another way of saying a congruence of multiple patterns, (inter)relate: web of relationships...and then we incorporate my definition of truth, as the noetic representation, of said relationships, a copy of perceived patterns (inter)acting and the relationships we perceive, then the absence of meaning indicates an inability to perceive these relationships.
If we, then, also incorporate how i define idea(l), as a projected goal, objective, then the picture is clarified.

A mind suffering from an absence of meaning, in its life, is expressing a dissatisfaction with its ideal, and its perception of relationships to guide it towards its fulfillment.
The reasons for this can vary.
Anything from idealizing an unrealistic objective, in other words an objective it cannot perceive outside its mind, or an inability to perceive relationships to help it find its way to this projected ideal, or a disillusionment with an ideal, once it has been partially achieved, or approached, making it cynical towards all ideals...and so on.

This is all a [product of being unable to perceive and/or accept the world as it is.
The delusion that the world ought to offer meaning, results in the delusion of projecting a false, unrealistic, ideal to motivate and guide self.
This leaves the mind feeling void of meaning, of guidance, of direction.
It, either demands meaning to be given to it, or having constructed meaning, according to its own expectations, needs, it fails to move towards it....because it is unrealistic, it fails to account for how phenomenon (inter)relate.
It fails to take responsibility for this condition, so it blames world, Nihilism, or the other, the world, for failing to adapt to its expectations, needs.

To put it another way...
A erroneous subjective interpretation of the objective world can only result in failure.
a healthy mind uses this failure to adapt, adjust, its subjective interpretations of objective world.
A sick mind accuses others for its failure, or accuses the objective world because it failed to adapt, adjust to its subjective interpretations of it.

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyFri Mar 03, 2017 5:05 pm

To understand the Hellenic spirit from an organic perspective, you must begin with the environment they evolved within: sea faring, fluid, as opposed to more terrestrial, fixed, enclosed peoples giving rise to more stringent, fixed, memes.
The reason why Greeks, to this very day, cannot establish an organized system is rooted in this inherited past.
The moment they dominate, they are no longer there.
They have forgotten, swept away to other shores.
They cannot build on their victories because they are always seeking new battles where the odds are stalked against them.
Let us ignore the Modern variant, infected by Abrahamic nihilism, thinking it is owes eternity, that it deserves paradise as compensation for its earthly suffering, the true Greek has forgotten what he won, what he earned, what he has.
Sacking Troy he then must cast upon the tides, towards his homeland, with an unknown fate in the immediate distance.
Little time to wallow in accolades and conquered lands, like Alexander, he must return, closer to home, before he goes off again.
Unlike the Germanic spirit that consolidates, gathers, defends what has been gained, the Greek splurges his gains with his friends and loved ones, and then awakens with a hangover and empty coffers, forcing him to begin, once more.

Women were the only ones who kept the fires going.
Why do you think they had to return home when others carried with them their gains, collecting and hoarding them, carrying them across the deserts?
The sea was the Geek's home - the bounty of his nature.
Their ships were their only solid ground, floating on fluid turmoil.

Was this not their charm, their talent, their flexibility on the waves, dealing with tides and winds?
With no solid earth, under their feet, was not their spirit one of a mature child, playing, glad to be alive for one more day, melancholic, and nostalgic for a shore that will not hold them for long?
There is no army on the seas.
There are only a band of individuals, licking the salt from their brow, sharing the struggles with the ocean.

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptySat Mar 04, 2017 6:18 pm

Superior - What dominates within a given environment.
What dominates in all environments is the most superior of all.
Why did man dominate all the other lifeforms on earth?
He was not the fastest, the strongest, the most virile, the biggest, the most prolific and flexible organism on the planet, and yet he dominated organisms.

To understand what distinguishes one man from another, one race from another, one species form another, you must begin with what dominates man from other beasts.
What traits did man have that could overcome a superiority in others?
Human traits so powerful that they would threaten man's own existence.

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptySun Mar 05, 2017 5:15 pm

To fully appreciate the quality of a civilization we must begin by appreciating the difference between quantity and quality, with some basic metaphors.
Which is one of the longest living organisms on the planet earth?
Methuselah Tree
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Which organisms live longest?
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Here its temporal signature is measured over long period of space/time because its impact is minimal.
But what if a shorter lifespan can have a far greater temporal signature - measured by an impact over a condensed period of space/time?

How would this manifest in real-time?

Let's take the species homo sapient.
Not the longest living organism on the planet, but by far the one with the greatest impact, manifesting as dominance over organisms faster, stronger, more prolific and with longer lifespans.

Not an organism with a greater lifespan than this species:
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Not larger than this species:
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Not faster than this species:
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Not able to reproduce more than this species:
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Not more durable than this species:
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Not even as stronger as its relative, this species:
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But what trait, or set of traits, could make such a feeble, by comparison, species, as man dominate them all?
What wet of traits could have helped this one species overpower the gorilla, outmatch the whale, outrun the cheetah, more prolific than a rabbit, make it more durable than a rhino, and one day help it outlive the tortoise and, perhaps, the Methuselah Tree?
What can be that powerful?

The distinguishing human trait that helps this species dominate all other organism is the same trait that makes man as the organism with the greatest temporal signature, over the shortest length of space/time, and it is this same set of traits which help man have the greatest, by far, impact, surpassing stronger, faster, longer-living, producing more young, more resilient organism.
What applies to organisms also applies to Super-organisms or what we call cultures....genes to memes.
Civilizations may be bigger, stronger, longer in duration, more resilient, and yet surpassed by civilizations that make a greater impact, or that can dominate them, as man dominates life forms it cannot compete with, or outperforms in any other way but one.
So, we can admit that some races are faster, stronger, more prolific and resilient, and even posses a faster processing speed, but only one race can and did dominate because it had this trait, or set of traits, in abundance.
It is these same traits that made man dominate other species, and help each individual man dominate other men, and also helped some civilizations stand apart from all others, to where we still talk about them and live in accordance to the principles they established.    
To understand the how and the why, is to understand the difference between quality and quantity, or why cockroaches may survive a nuclear war, or a meteorite fall, similar to the one they say exterminated the dinosaurs, but they cannot be compared to the species homo sapient in quality.
Human is the species that has outperformed every known species thus far.

These set of traits is called intelligence, or sometimes referred to as wisdom, homo sapient literally means, in Latin, wise man, and it is a trait that has to do with time, over space, where space is possibility and time is movement within possibility, or what we experience as change, and it also has to do with perceiving patterns within the patterns (inter)acting.
It is the same principles used in martial arts, where a weaker man, adequately trained and disciplined, can defeat a far stronger opponent by focusing his weaker energies upon a smaller time/space.
It is why the 300 of Leonidas, really 1000 if you include the 800 from Thebes, could hold back a greater Persian military force, for so long.
A clear display of quality overpowering quantity.

What is this temporal advantage?

Answer that and you will understand why, as least for me, the question what race would you rather be, is not even a question.
Negroes have, on average, larger penises, and they run faster and have larger muscle mass ratios, and testosterone levels, and I would still not want to be one, because this one trait, or set of traits under one name, is the quintessentially human trait - the trait that distinguishes this species from all others, and individuals within the species from all others, and the trait I use to evaluate all.
This trait is not uniquely human, no more than running is uniquely the cheetah's trait, or size is the whale's trait, or reproductive virility is the rabbit's trait but it is, by degree, what distinguishes and differentiates.

Comprehending this demands a definition of the trait, or set of traits we call intelligence and/or wisdom.
Not to idealize and mystify them, but to place them within world, nature, reality, explaining pragmatically why the species homo sapient is so dominant, but also explaining why Europeans dominated, and why certain civilizations still dominate, though they have been long eclipsed by their offspring.
Why did the sub-Saharan African produce civilizations of no significance?
Why, despite their higher IQs, did not Asians discover North America nor establish cultures with the impact of Hellenism, or even its offspring the Roman Empire?
They called is associated with satanic forces.
What was this Promethean spirit?

It has to do with time/space if these concepts are accurately defined, and not understood in the superficial way moderns do.
Space & Time, and organism, as ordering within this disordering.

It has to do with field of effect, or the field of (inter)activity as attraction/repulsion.
It has to do with why matter/mass (inter)acts within more dimensions, broader space/time, whereas energy does not, sometimes passing right through matter without (inter)acting with it.
It has to do with how order is accurately defined, and also chaos.
It has to do with beauty, and how it is not in the eye of the beholder.

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyMon Mar 06, 2017 7:04 am

Environment directs need, just as nature directs nurture.
When the tribes that were to become known as Hellenes descended into the Mediterranean peninsula, from the north their mode of transport tells us that they had no knowledge of the seas, either because the lands they came from had no access to any large body of water, or their needs were met with practices that did not have to develop seafaring.
What they found was a more developed civilization they had to submit to, and live with, learning, from them, the ways of the sea, because the territory lacked fertile lands, and herds of prey, on a scale found elsewhere.
The story of the Minoan Taurus, Minotaur, and the maze, speaks of a symbiotic relationship, where yearly, some say every seven or nine years, sacrifices were offered to the dominant civilization.
Seven maidens and youths were offered to appease the hunger of the Minoans.

Three large family groups representing the three major tribes of Hellenes:
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Doric, Ionians, Aeolians.
Dorics settles for the harshness of the Greek peninsula, cultivating a stringent lifestyle to adapt to its severity.
The Ionians turned to the sea, compensating for nature's frugality, by seeking the bounties of the Aegean.
It is this turning to the sea, and the meager bountifulness, of its rocky, arid mainland that shaped the Hellenic spirit, through this conflict between Doric disciplined severity and Ionian flexible innovation combining to produce the wonder that we call Hellas.
Ionian exploration returned to Greece with wonders from around the Mediterranean basin, where the Doric mind sifted through it to select what was valuable from what was superfluous, digesting it, as were the sacrificed maidens and youths, by the beast within the maze.
The strength of the Hellenic spirit, developed through this process of necessity, was too much for the Romans to defeat, and though they conquered the eternally competing and bickering tribes of Greece, they were, in turn, conquered by its spirit.

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyFri Mar 10, 2017 5:35 pm

Piece by piece they dismembered them, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], swallowing their hearts, wearing their skins, adorned with their symbols, as they returned to the seas, from where they came from.
Predators assimilating souls from around the middle of the earth's womb.
Consuming, and when consumed altering their hosts into another version of themselves.
Each victim torn apart by strong digestive liquids, becoming one more character in their repertoire.
Slowly they became daemons only an inversion of themselves could challenge. an illness shredding their many charming facades until their core remained exposed.
A spirit so strong it made all others flee, praying that it will die of its own accord.
But it did not die.
It slowly buried itself in the earth, upon which the oceans they took to eroded day by day.
In time they will be un-covered and re-turned, and a new golden age shall blow upon their sails. .

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptySat Mar 11, 2017 7:08 am

Fighting a weak opponent does not require much effort, or any severe adjustment.
Fighting a formidable opponent requires effort and adjustment equal to his quality in relation to your own.
To survive the fight you must change your methods in relation to his, alter your tactics to his parries and thrusts.
Every cut an indication of a necessary change.

The hunter, if he is to be successful, changes his behaviors to reflect that of his intended prey.
The essence of his prey forces upon him an adjustment of actions and thoughts.
If the predator specializes in the harvesting of that particular prey, then the prey forces it to evolve in relation to it.
Ancient hunters used to consume their prey's heart, in a symbolic gesture of their symbiotic convergence.  

When two lovers bond, their disharmonious traits gradually adjust to accommodate the others, until a confluence of behaviors places them upon the same trajectory - such is congruence of patterns on a metaphysical level expressed on the physical one.
Shared lives means shared rhythms, diets, environments.
Women's menstrual cycles harmonize, men's attitudes coincide, mates begin to look like one another, acting and thinking in harmony their spirits merge into a sometimes turbulent common conflict with environment, and sometimes settling in a calm, easy, deep movement of currents, betraying nothing on its surface - lovers begin communicating beneath the intelligible, the observable.
This covert convergence beginning with what is called mirroring - an unconscious physical reflection of the one who has captured their spirit, absorbing them sweeping them away in a physical dance of moment in agreement, in unpretentious imitation.    

A powerful spirit having survived many encounters with the alien has acquired a piece of each of them.
Scars, traits, tactics, ideas, deportment, casual gestures, symbols worn on his sleeve, words spoken from his lips, all remnants of his encounter with an adversary that marked him, or her, for life.
A powerful spirit is not buried by his adjustments, his wounds scared over thicker. He is not burdened by the trophies of his vanquished foes.
What he was, he still is, shinning through the experiences, having been absorbed into his being.
A daemonic spirit can harvest from its multiple encounters different attitudes, demeanour, and not be lost in them, as a schizophrenic is.
He has defeated, whereas the latter is defeated, or suffers from the consequences of a Pyrrhic victory, he did not entirely survive - like a crippled tree broken by a windstorm it could not entirely resist.

Such is the history of men, and of cultures - genes and memes.

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptySun Mar 12, 2017 7:47 pm

The tale of morality is one about an organism relating to its environment.
It's reaction and its solution is one of forced compromises made for the sake of utility.
Success of such responses to the world establishes them as genetic dispositions.
The organism opts for the lesser cost by sacrificing a part of its independence to the group it seeks an advantage within.
The notion of a sacrifice has become part of its ongoing struggle to tolerate those that offer it an advantage. It mourns and worships what it has given up.

Organisms relating to a specific kind of environment only slightly modifies how all kinds of organisms can relate to all possible environments. there is a common thread running through all social unities, and where there is divergence it can be found in how the specific organism relates to its specific environment.
A modification that determines the particular ideals that may come to represent this sacrifice, as part of the group's shared cost, for the sake of a common benefit.
A symbol, and then an icon, must be found to represent this shared ideal, and an altar placed before it symbolically sacrificing their shared, and very individual costs.
From this simple mechanism social behavior emerges and evolves into more complex social systems.
Common ideals can be found across them all, starting with the most primal social groupings, diverging only in how they reacted to their particular environment, and which reactions proved to be the most useful.
Something so small that can, in time, produce the difference between the Incas, and the Romans.

We can trace the moral drive all the way back to the lowly cell, participating in a sophisticated organic complexity.

Relative to an environment of increasing randomness we may consider the creation of increasingly complex unities as a natural process of sacrificing for the sake of survival, and awareness of this process as an awakening that may choose to divert from it.
This establishes the possibility of the emergence of a noble being, that places something higher than the sacrifice of self to necessity, as its guiding ideal.

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyMon Mar 13, 2017 12:33 pm

So sick, with desire, Modern man has become that he would rather live in paradox than face the source of his disease.
He wilfully lives in perplexing mysticism, unable to face the world nuder the bright light of the sun.
For him the contradictions in his own beliefs are a source of pride, than shame; they validate himself, as the one denying life, rather than forcing him to reconsider his positions.
For him his positions on sex, pedophilia, rape, cannot be resolved, he will not allow it, because to do so he would have to change his belief that love is non-aggressive, unselfish, benevolent, and that all deserve it.

A simple adjustment that can explain why sex with a child is despicable; why rape is so abhorrent to a female; why indiscriminate copulation, for the sake of pleasure, is degrading; why the two sexes display such distinct psychological approaches to intercourse; why homosexuality is so demeaning to a male, would all be clarified if they had the courage to abandon their convenient, comforting, delusions, and accept life as it is.

Think, for a moment, how much can be explained if we dare to accept copulation as an act of aggression.
How much of the old god would remain to seduce us?

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyMon Mar 13, 2017 5:07 pm

Over time a man is glad the common man does not fully understand.
He can only hope to reach the rare few, and not be bothered with the rest.

Such is natural selection.

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PostSubject: Re: Satyrnalium Satyrnalium - Page 14 EmptyTue Mar 14, 2017 7:51 am

History is a series of events managing excess.
Man creates the conditions that will free him from daily natural burdens, producing excessive energies in himself.
Progress has been a gradual sharing of these conditions, making excess a volatile social force that had to be controlled, and cultivated so that from destructive it could be creative and useful to the many.
A cell is a life form that has been assimilated into a bigger organic structure.
If it abides by the shares rules it participates in the creation of something bigger, but if it goes wild, breaking away from the shared project, it become cancerous.
Morality has been a way to indoctrinate and assimilate the human cell into a bigger organization, in relation to environment.
Independence had to be stripped down to its basic functionality, and the individual integrated into increasingly more complex super structures.
As a compensation for this loss the individual gained excess energies to direct towards its personal pleasures, to squander away, to numb or discharge harmlessly.

The SuperOrganism is evolving, using organic mutations to flourish if they do not harm it, just as the organism evolved when on a cellular level it slightly alters functionality.
Each mutation being judged by its contribution to fitness, and how it adds to its competitiveness with other organisms, within a shared environment.

We are currently going through a transformation that will add to the synergy of the superorganic whole.
Gender, race are too disruptive to be permitted, too divisive.
Human cells will be stripped down to their basic functionality before they are integrated into a system identified by their utility, their work, increasing synergy.
Genetic mutations permitted to emerge, unmolested by the demands of natural selection, but cultivated, socially selected, into specialized roles, just as the cell has been.
Self-consciousness is another evolved factor to be reworked and integrated.
Sense of self first directed towards an expansion, an association with otherness, and then shrunk down to a functional identifier.
Moderns expand their sense of self to include the abstract other, the idea God, now converted to the concept of humanity, striped of its reproductive, species identifiers, and then imploded into a clique, a specialized identity, as a subservient specialized role under the grand scheme of Humanity.
The individual need not understand the concept God, or Humanity as anything more than a vague idea, a unifying whole, that an mean anything to anyone. It is then given a unique identifier, within this ambiguity: a functionality, displayed in mode of dress, specialized lingo, attitude relative to other humans.
A cell in the human body has no contact with the outside world, unless this is part of its function, such as a skin cell.
It's entire 'world' is relative to other cells within a superstructure it need not know or understand, but only discipline itself to.
Morality is the awareness and encoding of this process of stripping away and integrating.
On a cellular level it is reflected in a specialized cells functionality. On a tribal of social level it is reflected in the individuals self-repression to facilitate its coexistence and cooperation with others of its kind.
Having evolved some independence an organism had to evolve behaviors that would help it function in relation to other independent organisms.
Heterosexual reproduction was the first step towards cooperative strategies necessitating an adjustment of self to other.
Mating rituals, in all species, is an exhibition of this adjustment. The individual does not only display his worthiness, because it is usually the male that must prove it, but also his harmlessness, his willingness to abide by the rules of conduct, his readiness to restrain self to a degree that will facilitate the reproductive process.
An example of selfish altruism, because the concept of selflessness is another myth that facilitates integration and assimilation into a common rule.
A potential male displays control over himself, when he goes through ritual displays. His commitment to the shared project, his self-restraint in a very invasive, to the female, process.
Human flirting adds the cognitive level to the display: male exhibiting his cognitive flexibility, his creativity, his balanced personality, but most of all his composure, for the female to evaluate before she places herself in a vulnerable position before him - her openness tolerance, offered after he has proven that he is worthy of her risks and the subsequent costs she will take on.
Morality as a display of self-restraint, not self-nullification, to a common endeavour - evidence of commitment and self-control.

Currently reproduction has decreased in importance.
Sheltering has produced excess that has to be managed and cultivated.
Morality shifts into a less biologically discriminating role, and an increasingly social selection one.
Openness to all potentially useful mutations.
The definition of fitness adapts to manmade environments.
The individual human organism is stippled of all his/her genetic identifiers, and discriminating concepts, and trained, educated, integrated into a SuperOrganic functionality. He/She given a new identity, or a new standard of self-identifying, in relation to others.
Popularity, measured in quantities of relationships, wealth, etc, indicates social fitness.
Morality adjust to accommodate this.
Flirting, displays of worthiness, become social conventions dictating how one greets others, how one comports himself within different situations involving others - etiquette.
The individual displays his willingness to repress self, to control the aspects of self that may disrupt a shared goal, a common endeavour, evaluated/appreciated by his potential peers, the group he wishes to integrate into as a specialized member.

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