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 Brief Music Critiques or Musings

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 2593
Join date : 2012-04-28
Age : 33
Location : A stone.

Brief Music Critiques or Musings Empty
PostSubject: Brief Music Critiques or Musings Brief Music Critiques or Musings EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 11:27 am

Post short critiques or musings you have to do with any specific musical piece here.
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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 2593
Join date : 2012-04-28
Age : 33
Location : A stone.

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PostSubject: Re: Brief Music Critiques or Musings Brief Music Critiques or Musings EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 11:30 am

"Nothing is sure but this brand new tattoo... wasting away in margaritaville"

a sight into decadence, with enough time there, the sharpness of mind wanes and only the surprise of something new will provoke the decadent mind to protecting fiercely that it is there... decadence is a slow decay... like a toad in hot water... eventually, with time, and low importance assigned to some phenomena,  it can be connected within a framework of only abstractions, becoming comfortable and familiar in its brotherly relation to something unfailingly safe in how unreal it is.

The new has an immediate effect and commands an attention which doesn't allow this decay, since as a new phenomena the contradiction of its existence is an offense to the senses. 
New phenomena also do not have questionable value... it is always worth an investigation, as it is new. Something new also affirms the observer a value, that they're being productive to no fault, in that their investigation is important. It is a reminder that they are alive.

The constant seeking of the new, then, is one way a human will counter dealing with the nihilist void; having created no meaning for themselves (as the only ones who can create it for them). I often see this in one's desire to travel constantly.
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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 2593
Join date : 2012-04-28
Age : 33
Location : A stone.

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PostSubject: Re: Brief Music Critiques or Musings Brief Music Critiques or Musings EmptySun Sep 27, 2015 8:54 pm

I saw an animation on newgrounds of this song when I was really young, it looked like people worshiping an atomic bomb. (Found it, here.) Ever since, I've thought that's what this song was referring to. The invention of the atomic bomb was the final equalizer. Anyone close to average in intelligence or ability became unable to compete with the wielders of this power - no matter how intelligent or able the people are who wield its power. Now that all is equal, that the pit of their fear had been struck - that they must constantly have their own bunker to survive the obliteration of the over-world, if they hope to become selective, discriminatory, autonomous and sovereign. Today we still see people attempting to get this power back for themselves. In fact, there's a whole TV show: Doomsday Preppers; however ignorant their attempt might be.

To regain some sense of balance, then, in this world of constant fear, they seek a congregation - an immense amount of love and acceptance. This is an "ultrapositivity". ( ) It is a blind desire to assimilate everything as is possible, to create a superorganism of "love" that will restore the balance. The means are psychological, as it is in our minds that the war now has to be fought beneath this Nuclear God. When you are against this "ultrapositivity" you are told to be the ultimate evil, compared to Hitler. The remnants of this subconscious fear of utter destruction - a threat to their idea of rational surrender, an insult to their will. They do not want to see how cowardly they have become under this Nuclear God. No longer is there something worth fighting, worth hating, for.
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Gender : Male Leo Posts : 2299
Join date : 2015-08-27
Age : 32
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PostSubject: Re: Brief Music Critiques or Musings Brief Music Critiques or Musings EmptyMon Sep 28, 2015 10:06 am One of my favorite reviews, by UltraBoris, it's really funny.
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Zoot Allures

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PostSubject: Re: Brief Music Critiques or Musings Brief Music Critiques or Musings EmptyMon Sep 28, 2015 11:43 am

Quote :
"Nothing is sure but this brand new tattoo... wasting away in margaritaville"

I've always thought Jimmy Buffet's music was lame. I have never heard a more perfect personification of those idiosyncrasies that characterize the upper middle class alcoholic early retirees who wear those Hawiaian shirts, khakis, docksiders with no socks, braided leather belt, etc. The kind of guy who has a pilot's license for small passenger single prop planes because he's adventurous. The guy who wears a sun visor and has one of those blue plastic handle retractable leashes for his Terrier.

Ah. Now you see the guy I'm talking about.

Tell me I'm wrong. This song is like an anthem.

But wtf is a cheesburger in paradise? Who writes a song about how they like their cheeseburger? The kind of guy named Donald with the greying sandy blonde hair and the gold watch who eats at Hooters all the time with the other retirees from the golf club.. so much that they even have their own table.. is the kind of guy who likes this song. Like when going out to eat becomes a big event.

What if somebody has actually put that song on in the car on the way to the Hooters to eat with the other retirees from the golf club? How hard core is that.

You people from Europe and Canada might not know the type clearly. They are all over the south-east U.S. and they all know how to shag. It's the most unsightly thing you will ever experience. A group of wealthy white retirees shagging at an outdoor beach concert in south-east U.S. There is nothing else quite like it in the known universe.
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