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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyThu Aug 29, 2024 11:23 am

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyMon Sep 02, 2024 7:09 am

This is genetic.

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyMon Sep 02, 2024 11:23 am

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyWed Sep 04, 2024 10:25 am

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyWed Sep 04, 2024 10:31 am

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They can't escape the truth.
They can ignore it and fabricate all kinds of excuses and explanations that maintain their delusions, but they cannot escape it.

Reality is not subjective.
Subjective are life forms trying to make senes of it.

Reality is dynamic, interactive and independent from all subjective perspectives.
The subject is dependent on reality, not the inverse, as nihilists will have us believe.
Reality cares not for our humanitarian ideals and our emotions.....
To the degree that we fail to understand determines the severity of the consequences.

Empires based on lies - collectives that propagate leis - will face a reckoning.
Punishment for their hubris exacted not by gods or by men, but reality itself.
By nature.
What the ancients would have ascribed to divine wrath.

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptySat Sep 07, 2024 2:25 pm

Pinker, Steven wrote:
The case against bigotry is not a factual claim that humans are biologically indistinguishable.
It is a moral stance that condemns judging an individual according to the average traits of certain groups...
The emergence of racial traits must be explained from a historical perspective. Physical traits display the consequences of historical and prehistorical environmental circumstance, such as migrations, climatic changes, diseases, prolonged periods of genetic isolation, etc. – these are foundational principles in evolution theory, explaining how speciation occurs. Without the sequential evolution of subspecies there is no way to rationally explain the emergence of a species.
All categories establish a range of inherited potentials that may not be able to predict individuated instances, but offer a probability spectrum within which all individuals belonging to the category can be included – even outliners (exceptions to the rule defined by the category’s parameters).
In each category defining characteristics are used to distinguish between their probabilistic ranges. For instance, when categorizing humans, we use the traits that distinguish homo sapiens from other species, including other primates – species belonging to the same biological family.
The same criteria are used to differentiate between subcategories, all the way down to the individuated level. These arrays of defining traits represent particular survival and reproductive strategies, that have been naturally selected as a population’s biological specializations, manifesting their psychosomatic particularities and range of behaviours.

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptySat Sep 07, 2024 2:31 pm

Race = subcategory of the species category homo sapient. Race is to man what breed, type, kind is to other species, i.e., genus; genotype manifesting a phenotype.

Phenotypical Manifestation of Genotypes
If species describes naturally selected codependence, distinguishing particular organic cooperative survival and reproductive strategies, over time generating discernible phenotypes, then subspecies are discernible emerging specializations, establishing innovative codependences, and novel survival and reproductive strategies, manifesting distinctive modifications to previous phenotypes.
Whether or not we know the specific genes that produce these biological divergences is of secondary importance relative to our immediate perceptions of a phenotypical divergence, signifying an underlying genotypical change.
The senses evolved to interpret what is present – as a manifestation of past – without necessitating knowledge and understanding of the underlying causes.
The physical patterns organic life evolved to sensorially perceive suffice to distinguish the consequences of inconspicuous interactions, continuously being lost in time.
Life does not need a historical account, or a biochemical analysis to perceive and acknowledge divergence. The senses evolved to reduce all those complex factors that participated in a presence to the immediately apparent.
The apparent is the phenomenon, the phenotype. It isn’t arbitrary nor illusory.
It is representational, and its a priori methodology, and its accuracy, is the product of millions of years of trials and errors.
[§Monologue: Appearances]
[§Monologue: Identity – Genetic/Memetic Identity

Evola, Julius wrote:
The real man, in addition to the biological and somatic part, is soul and spirit. Therefore, a comprehensive racial theory must consider all these three terms: body, soul and spirit. There will thus be a racism of the first degree, which addresses the strictly biological, anthropological and eugenic problems; then, a racism of the second degree, which addresses the ‘race of the soul,’ that is to say the form of the character and the affective reactions; finally, as a crowning-piece, the consideration of the ‘race of the spirit,’ which addresses the highest elements of the personality which, in regard to the general vision of the world and the beyond, destiny, life, action, in short, the ‘highest values,’ differentiate and make men unequal. The classical ideal, racially interpreted, is the harmony and the unity of these three racial aspects in a higher type.
We can unify racial identity into a comprehensive unity through a process of triangulation, corresponding to Evola’s body/soul/spirit.
Platonic psyche is the overarching model: Will/Reason/Passions.
Will = focus of organic energies on objectives; Reason = lucid part of consciousness (ego); Passions = conscious and subconscious needs/desires.
I would say that ‘body & soul’ are incorporated into the concept of ‘spirit.’
Soul is the term used to synthesize body/mind.
The triad corresponds to a sophisticated organism’s body, brain/mind, and its bridging connecting nervous system.
If we add to this modeling the human condition, and its experience of existence in temporally linear terms, past/present/future, then our categories acquire the additional components of determination:
Past = what has been determined; present (apparent) = what is continuously being determined; future = what has yet to be determined – being determined in the dynamic present. Therefore, the body is a manifestation of past (past continuously made present, sensorially interpreted as the apparent) – eugenics; Evola’s ‘soul’ is the emergent mind that is reactive to the dynamic interactivity of the present; and ‘spirit’ refers to the mind’s projections into the future, guided by its objectives and ideals.
His racial theory unifies genetics, memetics, establishing a people’s ideals and worldviews and objectives.
[§Monologue: Psychology – Hellenic Psyche]
[§Monologue: Spirituality – Spirit/Soul]

Divergent definitions of Darwinian races, i.e., Anglo-based races (diagonal)/Germanic-based races (horizontal); racial identity is pinpointed relative to an individual’s pragmatic presence.
Internet wrote:
Horizontal Racism: This term refers to the idea of racial purity and exclusion within a specific racial group. For Yockey, Anglo-Saxon horizontal racism was about maintaining the purity of the Anglo-Saxon race by excluding those who did not fit into this racial category.
Vertical Racism: This concept involves a hierarchical view of races, where some races are considered superior to others. Yockey’s Germanic vertical racism placed the Germanic race at the top of a racial hierarchy.
Anglo-Saxon horizontal racism focuses on exclusion and purity, whereas Germanic vertical racism emphasizes superiority and dominance.
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There are two ways to approach the subject of race, and they are not antithetical nor mutually exclusive – encompassing both the German and the English approach.
We can establish and apply binocular triangulations, advancing from æsthetic contexts, i.e., physical, tangible, empirical, towards memetic contexts, i.e., spiritual, psychological, ideological; what Yockey referred to as ‘vertical & horizontal’ approaches to race. The point of contact, between the two arcs, is the point of existential presence, viz., appearances, within experienced existence, conventionally called ‘reality.’
Æsthetics refer to an organism’s engagement with reality, viz., a continuous relationship with existence, establishing its subjective worldview; spirit refers to the same relationship from a cognitive perspective – synthesizing body/mind, viz., past manifesting presence, and presence projected into space/time.
Having established a preliminary foundational approach, we can now converge upon the subject of ‘race,’ distinguishing it as a subcategory of broader biological category “species;” either from the perspective of the physical (body, tangible) or the abstract (mind, abstract, intangible), i.e., as either corporeal and/or incorporeal, seeking a convergence of the two approaches.
A cautionary note: if we veer too far towards the physical, we become corrupted by base animalistic definitions that cannot do justice to the subject matter; if, on the other hand, we veer too far towards mental abstractions we risk becoming consumed by romantic idealism and mysticism, losing the subject matter in a cloud of theoretical ambiguities, representing our own psychological inclinations.
Both æsthetic and spiritual criteria ought to harmoniously participate in our judgements – made increasingly difficult in our current age of miscegenation and the complexities caused by cultural appropriations and semiotic obscurantisms; an age when all is, often, intentionally and irreparably diluted and reduced to artificial synthetics, concealing paradoxical contradictions and schizophrenic disharmonies.
We can only hope to remain true to our own chosen method, trying to cut through all the intentionally manufactured confusions, if we focus upon the clarifying idea that body is nothing more than the past made present, perceived and interpreted as appearance. Even in a genetically diluted state, where multiple disparate pasts participate in the manifestation of presences, the body consistently reveals the past via the appearance of subtle details, representing inherited potentials that may, or may not, be nurtured to their fullest.
[§Monologue: Migrations & Isolations – Race Mixing]

Le Bon, Gustave wrote:
The fundamental characteristics of the race, which constitute the unvarying source from which all our sentiments spring, always exert an influence on the irritability of crowds, their impulsiveness and their mobility, as on all the popular sentiments we shall have to study.
All crowds are doubtless always irritable and impulsive, but with great variations of degree. For instance, the difference between a Latin and an Anglo-Saxon crowd is striking. The most recent facts in French history throw a vivid light on this point. The mere publication, twenty-five years ago, of a telegram, relating an insult supposed to have been offered an ambassador, was sufficient to determine an explosion of fury, whence followed immediately a terrible war. Some years later the telegraphic announcement of an insignificant reverse at Langson provoked a fresh explosion which brought about the instantaneous overthrow of the government. At the same moment a much more serious reverse undergone by the English expedition to Khartoum produced only a slight emotion in England, and no ministry was overturned. Crowds are everywhere distinguished by feminine characteristics, but Latin crowds are the most feminine of all.
Like all subdivisions, ‘race’ represents a more precise definition of general categories; each subdivision adding a layer of unique parameters that bring it into focus. So, the taxonomical category of genus is subdivided into species, which can then be subdivided into subspecies (breeds, types, races).
Homo sapiens is the only known species that can further be subdivided using memetic taxonomies, i.e., ideological criteria, establishing cultural/civilizational, ethnolinguistic, ideological/dogmatic subdivisions, that confound our categories with additional conditions, allowing for their total dismissal, exploiting intricacies to convolute and then completely deny their relevance. Homo sapiens has become the only earthly species that is denied biological subdivisions (subspecies), using ideological excuses, essentially contradicting evolution theory and natural speciation processes.
Le Bon, Gustave wrote:
With the progressive perishing of its ideal the race loses more and more the qualities that lent it its cohesion, its unity, and its strength. The personality and intelligence of the individual may increase, but at the same time this collective egoism of the race is replaced by an excessive development of the egoism of the individual, accompanied by a weakening of character and a lessening of the capacity for action.
What constituted a people, a unity, a whole, becomes in the end an agglomeration of individualities lacking cohesion, and artificially held together for a time by its traditions and institutions. It is at this stage that men, divided by their interests and aspirations, and incapable any longer of self-government, require directing in their pettiest acts, and that the State exerts an absorbing influence.
With the definite loss of its old ideal the genius of the race entirely disappears; it is a mere swarm of isolated individuals and returns to its original state — that of a crowd. Without consistency and without a future, it has all the transitory characteristics of crowds. Its civilization is now without stability, and at the mercy of every chance. The populace is sovereign, and the tide of barbarism mounts. The civilization may still seem brilliant because it possesses an outward front, the work of a long past, but it is in reality an edifice crumbling to ruin, which nothing supports, and destined to fall in at the first storm. To pass in pursuit of an ideal from the barbarous to the civilized state, and then, when this ideal has lost its virtue, to decline and die, such is the cycle of the life of a people.
[§Monologue: Science – Evolution]
[§Monologue: Politics – Democracy – Crowd Control]
[§Monologue: Identity – Genetic/Memetic Identity – Individualism/Collectivism]

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 39215
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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptySat Sep 07, 2024 2:38 pm

Moderns attempt to replace natural selection with social selection. They want to make appearances a matter of image, malleable to socioeconomic market forces.
[§Monologue: Modernity]
[§Monologue: Word Wars – Gene & Meme Dynamics – Genotype to Memotype]

As with all words referring to concepts modern western minds find disturbing the word ‘race’ has been used to condition men to negatively react with its mere utterance. Conventionally, the term is intentionally and consistently ill-defined, associated with violence, brutality, enslavement, and all imagery that can produce a fight/flight reaction, that can then be relieved with placating alternatives – even if irrational.
The association is established through continuous re-enforcement, until the pain/pleasure connection becomes psychologically entrenched.
[§Monologue: Politics – Propaganda]

Organic Patterns = life – species – breeds/races – individuals... each subdivision is included in the preceding category, leading all the way up to the division between living and non-living unities, and then to chaos/order cosmological dualities.
[§Monologue: Encapsulations – Order/Chaos]

The concept and category of race is intimately related to the concept and category of species. The former follows from the logic of the latter, and cannot be separated from it, and used to contradict it.

Race, like any other category, postulates the presence of perceptibly predictable behavioural patterns based on an immutable past, manifesting an ongoing fluctuating present.
The past can be used to predict interactive behavioural probabilities.
Race may not be able to precisely define a particular individual, and member of a particular breed, but it can be used to predict the probabilities that will determine his actions (judgements, choices).
All it offers is an approximated range of probability, maintaining uncertainty as a decisive factor. The reason for this irreconcilable uncertainty is not only the unconscious processes involved in the final willful act, but also the dynamic complexities of the human condition, and the oftentimes forgotten cosmological factor of chaos, viz., random effects (energetic interactions) on microbiological processes.
This is true of all scientific and biological categories and is not particular to those dealing with the human condition.

Without intermediate biological stages how would we explain the gradual splintering-off of species from a common ancestor; how would we begin to explain the diversity of life we perceive?
We would have to regress to the position that claimed that men are intentionally created, in no more than an allegorical day. We would have to sacrifice our integrity upon the emotional altars of superstition.
[§Monologue: Religion – Abrahamic]

Antiracism liberals, obsessed with losing themselves within a uniform throng, where the only permissible differentiations are those founded on ethical utilitarianisms, conspire to eliminate all nature-based identifiers.
In effect, they want to arbitrarily diminish consciousness so as to fabricate a state of eternal peace.

Requirements of Consistent Delusion
If they want to dismiss human races as ‘superficial social constructs’ then they must dismiss breeds of all kinds, as well, if they wish to maintain the illusion of their intellectual integrity. Their ‘logic’ must follow through and remain consistent across the board, otherwise their motives will be exposed.

The current populist dogma, in the so-called “western, civilized, first-world,” dictates that we consider race a social construct.
Many, belonging to this ideological camp would also say that sex and sexuality is unequivocally a “social construct,” as well. If this is so then it remains up to them to explain how speciation occurs, and why humans are excluded from this evolutionary process, if not completely then arbitrarily. For instance, if species is the consequence of a gradual splintering away from a common ancestor, then we must accept the theory that genetic isolation, coupled with environmental conditioning – affected by the mutations that come about due to the collateral effects of reproduction – must have something to do with what is experienced as divergence. If we take this as a starting point then the idea that humans are excluded from natural selectivity, or that this process of diversification is not gradual but is abrupt and severe, must be supported by rational justifications. If some trivial bullshyte is offered in its stead, or some emotive justifications are presented as sufficient to support their cause, then we can only conclude that their motives and standards are corrupted by criteria other than the pursuit of truth.

Disraeli, Benjamin wrote:
You cannot Destroy a pure Caucasian race.
This is psychological fact, a law of nature that dismayed the kings of Egypt and Assyria, Roman emperors and Christian inquisitors.
No punitive system, no physical torture, can cause a superior race to be consumed or destroyed by an inferior one.
This fight over the legitimacy of race can best be understood when one objectively considers Disraeli’s comment. The Jew provides evidence of his own racially motivated stratagems.
It would be easy to assume all of this is nothing more than some defunct observation from an age that had no access to our ‘enlightened modern’ sensibilities, if we assume that categories must be validated by abstract, scientific data, and that what is in and of the past is automatically and indubitably less sophisticated, relative to what is current – remaining true to a linearly progressive appraisal method. Perhaps what is more important is not that Disraeli was himself a Jew but that he spoke from an era when institutionalized political-correctness had not been socially engineered into men’s thinking.
[§Monologue: Institutionalization – Law & Order – Political-Correctness]

Would it be too simplistic to speak of 3-4 major racial categories?
With the arrival of technologies, shrinking geographical spaces and times, much mingling has taken place, and the spread of dominant cultural and socioeconomic dogmas has somewhat blurred any behavioural differences that have been produced through the processes of isolated in-breeding.
Modern man destroys in a minute what took millennia to come about, nevertheless, appearances remain our guide, compelling us to remain true to the primordial idea that a recognizable pattern must expose something relevant, and essential to our existence. Appearance, after all, is the manifestation of past; a past upon which the mind builds, and against which it struggles, selecting a determining course.
If the body is the determining sum of all past experiences, resulting in its apparent presence, then the mind is its immediate appreciation, challenging the will to decide, and with tis decision participate in the determination of its fate.
[§Monologue: Appearances]

Although we generally acknowledge 3-4 racial types, calling them ‘races,’ when it comes to the homo sapient species, we can also admit that within these general categories we, if our attention to detail is sufficient, also recognize subcategories, further enhancing our discriminating faculties.
We can recognize, for example, a person whose genealogy is rooted in Somalia, or Eritrea, Ethiopia, via visual cues, because particular physical traits developed in that region of the world, standing distinctly apart from those emerging in other parts of the African continent. We can also recognize a northern-European from a Mediterranean simply by looking at them, if his/her appearances have not been concealed, surgically altered, affected by disease, or diluted by miscegenation.
The possibility of being fooled by appearances is always present, but then one must figure-out the source of his error – if it isn’t a product of genetic inadequacies. For example, if someone looks like he is of a particular race but then identifies as another, the possible reasons are multiple, viz., his bloodline might have mixed with another, carrying a this past as a latent mutation that was triggered into expression; he, or one of his ancestors, may have been adopted; finally, how an individual chooses his/her identity is most often a consequence of memetic factors, such as culture, ideology, ethnicity – a man can even be trained to identify with an abstraction, such as a nation-state or god etc., both of which deny racial and sexual identifiers as a matter of inclusivity.
The possible explanations of failing to identify an individual’s race are multiple, if we begin with the logical assumption that appearances reveal essence, and do not conceal it. If we fail to accurately translate the apparent, then the fault is to be found in our own incapacity to perceive, and to adequately connect patterns into consistent webs of meaning.
[§Monologue: Education – Experts – Philosophy – Meaning]

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptySun Sep 08, 2024 10:50 am

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...and on the pinnacle of this inverted pyramid are subspecies and individuals....

Species cannot exist without the intermediating step of subspecies, indicating speciation has begun.
It may not be completed but it has begun.
Regression to a shared ancestor is common among all subspecies... though most produce unfit progeny if speciation has advanced.

The only species that denies itself subspecies is man.....Homo Americanus to be precise.
Modern/Postmodern man.
Homo Americanus wants to 'liberate' himself from all biologically based collectives and declare himself saved from the 'evils' of nature.
Homo Americanus wants to become entirely social.... self-creative, free from all base collectives....and in the process he makes of himself a slave to conventional linguistics, trends, populism, and marketing/propaganda.

He declares himself liberated from natural selection only to be enslaved by social selection, and the tides of ideological power, exploiting, ironically, his genetically inherited desires and needs, his anxieties, his ambitious projects, all of which are guided by a desire to escape that which made him possible - his very nature, his past....his physical presence, his betraying appearance - concealing it in elaborate wares, surgically removing what shames him, adorning it with more flattering prosthetics.

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptySun Sep 08, 2024 12:38 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyMon Sep 09, 2024 2:23 pm

No amount of social engineering can correct thousands of years of natural selection.
no amount of education or indoctrination can alter what is innate. It always reverts to its nature when external controls wane, allowing it to freely express its nature.

Culture is Gene specific.
What has been transmitted, and trained, and is imitated, can never have the same effects as that which is innate.

As the Empire of Lies declines all those repressed natural forces it repressed and had sublimated with lies, will come forth to mark its dying years.

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyMon Sep 09, 2024 6:35 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyMon Sep 09, 2024 8:06 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyTue Sep 10, 2024 12:27 pm

Nature establishes a range of potentials.
Nurture determines probability.

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyTue Sep 10, 2024 2:05 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyWed Sep 11, 2024 10:31 am

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyThu Sep 12, 2024 8:59 am

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyThu Sep 12, 2024 11:36 am

jag är död snart
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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyThu Sep 12, 2024 2:38 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyFri Sep 13, 2024 2:30 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptySat Sep 14, 2024 9:29 am

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyWed Sep 18, 2024 4:27 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyWed Sep 18, 2024 4:29 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptySat Sep 21, 2024 6:00 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyMon Sep 23, 2024 6:30 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyMon Sep 23, 2024 6:33 pm

Species = homo sapient.
Subspecies = races.
Subcategories of subspecies = ethnicity.

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyTue Sep 24, 2024 8:19 am

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich wrote:
It is not our concern to become acquainted with the land occupied by nations as an external locale, but with the natural type of the locality, as intimately connected with the type and character of the people which is offspring of such soil.

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich wrote:
With respect to the diversity of races of mankind it must be remembered first of all that the purely historical question, whether all these races sprang from a single pair of human beings or from several, is of no concern whatever to us in philosophy. Importance was attached to this question because it was believed that by assuming decent from several couples, the mental and spiritual superiority of one race over another could be explained, indeed, it was hoped to prove that human beings are by nature so differently endowed with mental or spiritual capacities that some can be dominated like animals. But decent affords no ground for granting or denying freedom to human beings.
Man is implicitly rational; herein lies the possibility of equal justice for all men and the futility of a rigid distinction between races which have rights and those which have none. The difference between the races of mankind is… a difference which, in the first instance, concerns the natural soul. As such, the difference is connected with the geographical differences of those parts of the world where human beings are gathered together in masses.

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyTue Sep 24, 2024 11:07 am

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb wrote:
Only in the invisible qualities of nations, which are hidden from their own eyes – qualities as the means whereby these nations remain in touch with the source of original life – only therein is to be found the guarantee of their present and future worth, virtue and merit. If these qualities are dulled by admixture and worn away by friction, the flatness that results will bring about a separation from spiritual nature, and this in its turn will cause all men to be fused together in their uniform and collective destruction.

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyTue Sep 24, 2024 11:13 am

Stubbs, Vance wrote:
’Nordicism’ among white nationalists is almost identical to the response to ‘racism’ in society at large. Thus, White Nationalists treat Mediterraneans like Republicans treat Mestizos: they put emotional non-sequiturs up against biological facts, and they wind up trotting out ‘token Italians’ because accusations of an organization being ‘Nordic’ in white nationalism are taken like accusations of an organization being ‘all white’ in the mainstream. We’ve just fallen into the same mentality.
I’m not even really in agreement with Covington; I don’t consider the Greeks to be basically Turks, I place them on the white side of the line, but I can recognize they’ve undergone some degree of mongrelization and that this would constitute genetic damage in an Aryan nation.
Not all genetic damage is caused by mongrelization, and my guess is that all humans have genetic flaws of some type.  Nonetheless, some are much more damaged than others; in extreme cases this results in classification as a non-white or as a deformed/botched white, with exile in the former case and total sterilization or euthanization in the latter case is the most sensible solution.
In less severe cases the damage should be handled by a comprehensive eugenic system, which would use racial purity as a major (but not the only) determinant of genetic quality.
An adjustment is required, to bring up to speed racial theory.
In a world of absent accessible frontiers, where technologies and nihilism has already caused mongrelisation, a shifting of emphasis from genes to memes would eliminate any ensuing conflicts. Racial genetics would be included in the outcome, as inherited potentials. Nitpicking ‘racial purifying factors,’ will cause further fragmentation; by making small compromises, based on performance – I’ve made it part of my positions on Timocratic revitalization – such divisions can be avoided.
Our certainty concerning the reality and importance of race has to express itself pragmatically – within the prevailing circumstances – and not idealistically –within ideal circumstances. Permitting individuals of mixed-racial backgrounds to prove their quality could help ameliorate reactions to race theories, reducing emotional resistances to accepting rationalized racial categories.
If Indo-European genes/memes are truly superior then they will rise to the top, if and when nihilistic levelling environments are returned to a balanced harmony with natural selection processes. The closer to balance we advance the more the naturally superior will rise up and dominate. Nature self-corrects, if given a chance; if human interventions are gradually reduced, or brought down to a balance with nature, what has been idealistically inhibited will spontaneously re-emerge. Using nature to clean away the collateral effects that have accumulated over the years – genetic garbage – will purify genotypes producing recognizable phenotypes.

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PostSubject: Re: Race Race - Page 21 EmptyTue Sep 24, 2024 11:18 am

Savitri, Davi wrote:
Thus, the practical result of the great religions of escape from the conditions of Time, the practical result of the teachings of the great, men ‘above Time’ after Akhnaton, is a lowering of the racial level and therefore of the quality of their own adherents and, through them and their proselytes, of mankind in general: not — unfortunately! — a generation of ‘sadhus’ and meditative saints, followed by a planet without men (doubtless more beautiful than it has been for a very long time) but cross-products of Aryan and Mongolic, or Aryan and Jewish blood, and a further non-descript hotchpotch of all the races of the Far and Middle East, or of all the races of the Near East and of Europe, professing increasingly debased forms of Buddhism or Christianity, and breeding, breeding and ever breeding increasingly debased specimens of the two-legged mammal. In other words: a tightening of the grip of Dark Age conditions upon the world, and further disintegration.
[Lightning and the Sun]

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