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 Datura's Masquerade Party

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptySun Dec 13, 2020 5:25 pm

Her coming out ball....
Welcome to her fan appreciation cock with tails menagerie...

Take over your world, my sweet!

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptySun Dec 13, 2020 7:53 pm


I see that nobody knows what my world is.. I think I like it that way ; )

Solitary unexperiences do not a Person make, but it does make for a dire and misunderstood soul.. do you think it wise revering that which a person is not?

Cool video.. but I’m more Mardi Gras than anything else, and certainly not that, and it doesn’t take a gathering such as that, for people to partake in.. well, whatever those people partake in.

You seem to know much about it though.. do tell? I like intrigue, but not gunpowder and plot.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptySun Dec 13, 2020 8:07 pm

Please forgive my presumptuous inexperience.
Take the suggestion as an opportunity to weave your world for us silent admirers to sample.
What I know I show, I do not tell.

Brazilian Mardi gras, what a...surprise.  
Colourful costumes and masks, and...hedonism.

I'm afraid I do not know how to dance.

But, I believe a more European air is the image you prefer.

Much was corrupted with colonization.
Oh, well....time to bid you good night, I have a skype meeting to attend to, and to deliver to the children.

Ta, Ta,

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyMon Dec 14, 2020 1:48 am

Satyr wrote:
Please forgive my presumptuous inexperience.
Take the suggestion as an opportunity to weave your world for us silent admirers to sample.
What I know I show, I do not tell.

Brazilian Mardi gras, what a...surprise.  
Colourful costumes and masks, and...hedonism.

I'm afraid I do not know how to dance.

But, I believe a more European air is the image you prefer.

Well I did say Venetian masked balls and not Brazilian Mardi Gras, so the videos were very much appreciated and enjoyed.. wish I was there.

The image I prefer? or perhaps the image chose I.

Quote :
Much was corrupted with colonization.
Oh, well....time to bid you good night, I have a skype meeting to attend to, and to deliver to the children.
I have no gifts to deliver to children, but I do have big fish to fry..

Colonisation was before my time, but I do think that humans did unnecessary things over the millennia.. though it does seem that the physical warring and fighting has come to an end.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyMon Dec 14, 2020 6:27 am

Datura wrote:

Well I did say Venetian masked balls and not Brazilian Mardi Gras, so the videos were very much appreciated and enjoyed.. wish I was there.

The image I prefer? or perhaps the image chose I.

Well, according to my positions what you are, your personae, is a product of inherited organ proportionalities and symmetries, slightly changing, as expected, over time, as we age - it is inherited, i.e., nature.
Character, our public face, is a product of nurturing, social economic factors, cultural effects.
Image is the final product - also changing over time as our personality and our socioeconomic circumstances change.
Without boring you with my verbosity, though character is imposed upon us, during our early, impressionable, immature years, as we age we begin - well some of us - to take control of it, wilfully shaping it in accordance with the traits that we've cultivated over the years. .

Datura wrote:

I have no gifts to deliver to children, but I do have big fish to fry..

Colonisation was before my time, but I do think that humans did unnecessary things over the millennia.. though it does seem that the physical warring and fighting has come to an end.
Has it?

The nuclear age is feminizing its about gossiping, and reputations and undermining the other's popularity...and social status - Geopolitics.

I luvs my fish.
I enjoy it at least once a week.

Once, when I was a "kid" I had a fish bone lodge itself in my throat...for a week.
I never told my parents....
Swallowed and ate bread, trying to rid myself of its nagging presence.
It finally went away...but it did leave me with a more cautious way of eating fish with tiny little bones.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyMon Dec 14, 2020 11:30 am

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyMon Dec 14, 2020 7:40 pm

Satyr wrote:
Datura wrote:
The image I prefer? or perhaps the image chose I.
Well, according to my positions what you are, your personae, is a product of inherited organ proportionalities and symmetries, slightly changing, as expected, over time, as we age - it is inherited, i.e., nature.
Character, our public face, is a product of nurturing, social economic factors, cultural effects.
Image is the final product - also changing over time as our personality and our socioeconomic circumstances change.
Without boring you with my verbosity, though character is imposed upon us, during our early, impressionable, immature years, as we age we begin - well some of us - to take control of it, wilfully shaping it in accordance with the traits that we've cultivated over the years. .  

Sure.. home, school, college, the workplace, travel, socialising.. all form our look and feel and thought, over the decades.. and finding one’s light, when taking photos.

There’s not much left to shape me, besides daily life and pass-times, but I don’t think that I’ve really intrinsically changed much, so a mature-child and now an adult.. seems like I was kinda there already. Aha!

Satyr wrote:
Datura wrote:
I have no gifts to deliver to children, but I do have big fish to fry..

Colonisation was before my time, but I do think that humans did unnecessary things over the millennia.. though it does seem that the physical warring and fighting has come to an end.
Has it?

The nuclear age is feminizing its about gossiping, and reputations and undermining the other's popularity...and social status - Geopolitics.

Yea.. all Social Media attacks and Trade Deal wars.

News just said, that Donald Trump may still refuse to accept Biden’s presidential win. His next move will be..?

Quote :
I luvs my fish.
I enjoy it at least once a week.

Once, when I was a "kid" I had a fish bone lodge itself in my throat...for a week.
I never told my parents....
Swallowed and ate bread, trying to rid myself of its nagging presence.
It finally went away...but it did leave me with a more cautious way of eating fish with tiny little bones.

I bet it did.. a horrifying thought, let alone a thing to happen. Best to stick to the safer options, like salmon, tuna, and monkfish. I’m terrified of choking on a fish bone and meeting a demise.

How ever did you manage to conceal your dilemma? Were you not constantly involuntarily hacking profusely, in an effort for your body to dispel it?
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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyMon Dec 14, 2020 7:56 pm

Datura wrote:
Yea.. all Social Media attacks and Trade Deal wars.

News just said, that Donald Trump may still refuse to accept Biden’s presidential win. His next move will be..?
There's talk of an unprecedented second run for 2024.
He's not going away.

Datura wrote:
How ever did you manage to conceal your dilemma?
I was never one to ask for help.

Datura wrote:
Were you not constantly involuntarily hacking profusely, in an effort for your body to dispel it?
I was constantly swallowing, trying to dislodge it....eating bread and swallowing it hole....
After 3 days it was gone.

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyMon Dec 14, 2020 11:19 pm

Donald Trump will be Leader of the shadow government, I gather.. he should definitely keep an eye on the EU, to ensure that they don’t try to do what they did to Europe.. now, I don’t mind some Socialism, mixed with Capitalism, but they wanted more and more.

Never ask for help? Whenever I started choking on a fish bone, my mother would rush over and tip me upside down, and slap me on the back until i coughed it up. Funnily enough, I didn’t ever want to finish my dinner, after that.

Satyr wrote:
I was constantly swallowing, trying to dislodge it....eating bread and swallowing it hole....
After 3 days it was gone.
I’m sure staying calm helped.. eating bread to push it further and further down, was a good idea.. I never thought of that.. I probably tried water or something or coughed it back up.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyTue Dec 15, 2020 6:21 am

I wasn't choking....the bone lodged in my wasn't blocking my airway.

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyWed Dec 16, 2020 6:15 pm

Yes.. because it was I who was constantly choking on fish bones, and so started evading fish-dinners at all costs.

..made me realise how fragile life was.. is.. can be.. sad times, fun times, even dire times, but not self-annihilation times.
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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyWed Dec 16, 2020 6:54 pm

My taste for fish, on the other hand, never faltered...I simply adjusted, became more cautious with what, and how I... swallowed.
I realized all things require a different approach.

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyMon Dec 21, 2020 9:22 pm

Satyr wrote:
My taste for fish, on the other hand, never faltered...I simply adjusted, became more cautious with what, and how I... swallowed.
I realized all things require a different approach.
I found such tiny-boned fish, too fiddly to get through..

I’m quite the fussy eater, and often refused meals that weren’t to my palate, and settled for a sandwich or porridge or whatever, instead.

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyThu Dec 24, 2020 9:52 am

Satyr wrote:

Human nature tends to fluctuate throughout our days, and so there is utility in both ways of being, in both the epicurean and stoic mindsets and manners.. downtime in stoic recharge mode, then moments of epicurean madness and gladness.

Roman Catholicism favoured Platonism and its brand of learning and education, and so created its own unique curriculum based on the Platonic system, to disseminate to its flock. Huge swathes of Western civilisation being naturally Platonic in their mindset and manner without even realising it, that they’ve inherited and been steeped in an entire ready-made belief system.

China has Confucianism, Japan.. Shintoism, Africa.. Africanity, Asia.. Sanātana Dharma, as their ancient philosophical belief systems, that formed their mind and manner.. with Western influences having influenced them, either.. upon crossing paths, through colonisation, by conquer, or by re-settling.
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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyThu Dec 24, 2020 10:05 am

And each biology is predisposed to particular philosophies, or world-views...and each world-view propagates a specific kind of man...

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyWed Jan 20, 2021 5:14 am

Satyr wrote:
And each biology is predisposed to particular philosophies, or world-views...and each world-view propagates a specific kind of man...
Yes, but there are anomalies due to colonialism and other such similar factors. Those not in that societal-sphere of anomalies are usually oblivious of such differing mind-sets and existences, and so taint the world with their ignorance on worldly matters, and are also dangerously clueless.

I am not referring to here, but elsewhere..
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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyWed Jan 20, 2021 6:33 am

The majority, in fact, are clueless.

Most just want a simple world view to carry on doing what they like doing.
They latch on to the world-view they were raised on, never doubting it, and continuously finding justifications to validate it, or find some self-flattering, self-comforting alternative they hang unto for dear life.
This makes nihilism - as a school of thought - is so seductive and popular, viz., it flatters and comforts in an indifferent, uncertain, threatening world.  
Metaphysics are passed-onto the mediocre masses through religious allegories.

This is why I call it a "War like no Other" using  Hanson's terminology in a different way.
this is a feminine "war", using semiotics, fighting over hearts and minds, not directly over resources and territories. The primary resource for a nihilist is human.
Here realism, and paganism, is at a disadvantage.
Who can compete, in the heart and mind of a simpleton, with self-serving mythologies, using words that have no reference to anything real? these alternate realities - built with linguistics - are seductive because they offer an alternative to a world most cannot cope with.

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyThu Jan 21, 2021 5:04 am

Satyr wrote:
The majority, in fact, are clueless.

Most just want a simple world view to carry on doing what they like doing.
They latch on to the world-view they were raised on, never doubting it, and continuously finding justifications to validate it, or find some self-flattering, self-comforting alternative they hang unto for dear life.
This makes nihilism - as a school of thought - is so seductive and popular, viz., it flatters and comforts in an indifferent, uncertain, threatening world.  
Metaphysics are passed-onto the mediocre masses through religious allegories.
Yes, exactly that ^^^ Clinging onto beliefs that don’t threaten their ignorance or warped world view of Others’ reality.

Satyr wrote:
This is why I call it a "War like no Other" using  Hanson's terminology in a different way.
this is a feminine "war", using semiotics, fighting over hearts and minds, not directly over resources and territories. The primary resource for a nihilist is human.
Here realism, and paganism, is at a disadvantage.
Who can compete, in the heart and mind of a simpleton, with self-serving mythologies, using words that have no reference to anything real? these alternate realities - built with linguistics - are seductive because they offer an alternative to a world most cannot cope with.
When you leave society to get on with their own devices, I guess that is what happens.. a decline, into entertaining all manner of whims and vices, that leads to personal hells of their own then making.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyThu Jan 21, 2021 6:00 am

Datura wrote:
Yes, exactly that ^^^ Clinging onto beliefs that don’t threaten their ignorance or warped world view of Others’ reality.

1-Hyper socialization - dependence on others; lack of self-sufficiency.

2-Hypersensitivity - inability to cope with negativity beyond a certain level; expressed as anger, trying to push away what makes it feel anxiety and fear; trying to make the threatening one feel threatened.
This unloading of negativity is also part of #3:

3-Lack of imagination which settles for projecting into an-other a over-estimated perception self - in rare cases an under-estimation of oneself.
Trapped in a rudimentary form of subjectivity - infantile; unable to advance, mature, towards objectivity.
Unloading of antipathy, or antipathetical traits, emotions, sensations, upon an-ohter - self-purification, manufacturing sympathy for self.

4-Hyper-inflation of ego, as a defensive move - like a cat arching its back and raising tis hairs to pretend that it is larger than it is.
Fragile ego pretending to be formidable.
A lot of that on ILP.
Ego = lucid, or conscious part of self.

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyWed Jan 27, 2021 9:46 pm

Satyr wrote:
Datura wrote:
Yes, exactly that ^^^ Clinging onto beliefs that don’t threaten their ignorance or warped world view of Others’ reality.

1-Hyper socialization - dependence on others; lack of self-sufficiency.

2-Hypersensitivity - inability to cope with negativity beyond a certain level; expressed as anger, trying to push away what makes it feel anxiety and fear; trying to make the threatening one feel threatened.
This unloading of negativity is also part of #3:

3-Lack of imagination which settles for projecting into an-other a over-estimated perception self - in rare cases an under-estimation of oneself.
Trapped in a rudimentary form of subjectivity - infantile; unable to advance, mature, towards objectivity.
Unloading of antipathy, or antipathetical traits, emotions, sensations, upon an-ohter - self-purification, manufacturing sympathy for self.

4-Hyper-inflation of ego, as a defensive move - like a cat arching its back and raising tis hairs to pretend that it is larger than it is.
Fragile ego pretending to be formidable.
A lot of that on ILP.
Ego = lucid, or conscious part of self.
I guess that’s why we all live and operate within our own circles and comfort zones, so as to not cross paths with those that grate against our sensibilities and needlessly irritate our being.

The overly-competitive irk me so the most.. a waste of unnecessary energy on their part, and time, on mine. All very amusing though, when one’s not involved in it all.

How about 5: -Taking others’ ideas and using them in an amalgamation, as if it were of their own original creation and from their own mind.
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyThu Jan 28, 2021 3:31 am

It snowed.. for a while, but it did not settle.
The cat, having fallen asleep, to it’s mesmerising precipitous monotony.

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Last edited by Datura on Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyThu Jan 28, 2021 9:00 am

It is gently snowing right now.
Soothing softness...a blanket covering a slumbering earth.

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptySun Feb 21, 2021 5:03 am

Yesterday morning’s sunrise.. the birds were singing and the crows, well.. you know, crowing.

The owl is back.. I saw him flying once, it was a sight to see, his wingspan was insanely wide.. he looked like a glider plane, soaring through the air.. all swooping and manoeuvring with the utmost agility and ease.

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyMon Mar 01, 2021 3:58 pm

Last night’s, big, bright, super moon.. lighting up the Town.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyMon Mar 01, 2021 4:08 pm

My son takes pics like those from my window.
Every morning we are both awake by 5 a.m.. I think he took one of the current full moon, striking the cloud cover.
Haven't missed a sunrise yet.

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptyMon Mar 01, 2021 4:18 pm

Satyr wrote:
My son takes pics like those from my window.
Every morning we are both awake by 5 a.m.. I think he took one of the current full moon, striking the cloud cover.
Haven't missed a sunrise yet.
There’s something spiritual about being awake with the dawn.

..and something eerie about sunsets and the dusk, but I think I like that. Surprised
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptySat Mar 13, 2021 6:09 pm

Fashion X music = a really cool catwalk show. 💙

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 37523
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptySun Mar 14, 2021 11:58 am

I'm "stuck" on this like tape.

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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptySun Mar 14, 2021 12:23 pm

Satyr wrote:
I'm "stuck" on this like tape.
Lol.. your kinda catwalk.. wish you were the tape, yeah?

I saw that video on here before, in some thread or other.. she has very good aesthetics, not too bulky, which is a must for donning sleek high-fashion catwalk attire.. has reminded me, I need to workout later. Laughing

I really don’t understand the current in look, of a disproportionately larger thick lower body.. I am not genetically inclined at all towards that body-type, thank god! Rolling Eyes it’s not a conducive shape for wearing a sleek trouser or on-trend jean.
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Datura's Masquerade Party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Datura's Masquerade Party Datura's Masquerade Party EmptySun Mar 14, 2021 1:04 pm

Your African roots are less pronounced?

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