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 Things to Watch

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Gender : Male Scorpio Posts : 2311
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Things to Watch - Page 24 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyThu Feb 04, 2016 4:45 pm

1. "Youth, oh, youth! | of whom then, youth, art thou born?
Say whose son thou art,
Who in Fafnir's blood | thy bright blade reddened,
And struck thy sword to my heart."

2. "The Noble Hart | my name, and I go
A motherless man abroad;
Father I had not, | as others have,
And lonely ever I live."
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Gender : Male Scorpio Posts : 2311
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptySun Feb 07, 2016 10:13 am

Interesting how his conscious choice and developments reflect on the growed maturity of his face.

1. "Youth, oh, youth! | of whom then, youth, art thou born?
Say whose son thou art,
Who in Fafnir's blood | thy bright blade reddened,
And struck thy sword to my heart."

2. "The Noble Hart | my name, and I go
A motherless man abroad;
Father I had not, | as others have,
And lonely ever I live."
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Gender : Male Scorpio Posts : 2311
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyTue Feb 09, 2016 3:03 pm

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1. "Youth, oh, youth! | of whom then, youth, art thou born?
Say whose son thou art,
Who in Fafnir's blood | thy bright blade reddened,
And struck thy sword to my heart."

2. "The Noble Hart | my name, and I go
A motherless man abroad;
Father I had not, | as others have,
And lonely ever I live."
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Gender : Male Virgo Posts : 3999
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyThu Feb 11, 2016 6:00 am

African man was never a cave man.
And we know cave man is stupid.
Cave = stupid.
Bling bling = rich.

To me that's applied value ontology.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 38487
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyThu Feb 11, 2016 7:40 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyThu Feb 11, 2016 8:30 pm

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 2593
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptySat Feb 13, 2016 3:47 am

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To do with game theory - how should you treat a stranger? Answer: so long as there's enough nice ones - always act nice.

Quote :
Fourteen academics as well as experts in game theory submitted their own computer programs to compete in a tournament to see who would win in the prisoner's dilemma. The winner was tit for tat, a program based on "equal retaliation", and Dawkins illustrates the four conditions of tit for tat.
Unless provoked, the agent will always cooperate.
If provoked, the agent will retaliate.
The agent is quick to forgive.
The agent must have a good chance of competing against the opponent more than once.
In a second trial, this time of over sixty applicants, tit for tat won again.
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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 2593
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptySun Feb 14, 2016 10:23 am

Tim Murdock, the man behind "Anti-Racist is a codeword for Anti-White" meme talks about his views on the ruling elite and what's happening behind their pushed narrative.

I found it interesting, although it's a passing comment, he also attributes the origins of whites' susceptibility to the narrative being rooted in Christianity or Judaism - depending on how far back you want to go. He also seems involved with Kevin MacDonald's work, from other Red Ice podcasts I heard with him.

He talks specifically about whites' ability to ignore mortality for the sake of achieving something as origins for this problem. Also, whites having a tendency to universalize things. He said that the elite do not know whites - they only know their weakness. Starts at 1:06:00

"We [whites] have no awareness of mortality. Once [whites] stop thinking in terms of mortality, they stop thinking in terms of a closed system. With no beginning or ending."
Tim appears to be saying whites need to get out of nihilism and come back down to Earth.  


The modern liberal cuck-scum sees himself in battle against the power structure that holds EVERYONE down. In fact, they see the power structure as holding the world itself down; against all countries. War doesn't seem to dissuade them from believing this - they do not see conflict with the East as something contradicting this narrative that Europe is so powerful. If anything, they might see Russians as victims of US foreign policy. Examining world politics and trying to mesh it with domestic politics would probably make their head spin - or force them to go to more depths of their delusion. That would be one possible avenue of calling out the bullshit. In fact, it is because they concentrate on race and sex politics and not on the real problems, making real change, that the narrative is becoming sickly.

They will acknowledge differences between white peoples' status in society so much as it seems reasonable to do. That is, the difference between the ruled whites and the elite ruling 'whites'. Then, they will formulate all the problems of the world and the nation being due to the supremacism or white intragroup preference.
Usually with world politics, the explanation is it is because of racism that majority white countries allow their government to bomb other countries. Yet, those same governments allow masses of brown refugees to enter the country. Does it make any sense, that NATO would racistly bomb brown countries and then demand their own countries accept brown people - if brown skin was really what's being fought? There has to be some other reason for the bombing than racist ones. One could attribute the allowance of bombing to racism - but then it has to be answered, who is the bombing for, if it's not for whites? As evidenced by the allowance of brown refugees. If the country was racist, it is obviously not serving the white peoples' interests, but someone else's, by allowing refugees in.

The idea in these childrens' heads are that we must deconstruct white privilege first, and then as a human race we will all rise against the elites and create a wonderful human tribal/socialist society. Whites only need to care about other races, first, and then they can solve the world problems. That is, by the elites - whites are being told, if you want to save the world, you have to destroy your preference for yourselves first. If whites won't care, if they won't give up that preference, then those whites deserve to be ostracized and shamed as being 'racist'. If you look at racism as a preference for one's own kind - it's not so bad being called racist. What's bad is the constructed consequences of being called racist. Of course whites have a preference for their in-group. All groups do.

The preference is a result of a construction of the idea of race, when capitalism and liberty happened. First it was chattel slavery, capitalistic slavery, where the slave ceased being like a serf, tied to the farm/estate, and became the sole property of the master. The slave was objectified - the master could kill them with impunity. Then, with the rise of ideal(s) of natural rights, from Locke and the like, they had to justify not including some slaves as human. There, you have a pressure to create some distinction between who is or isn't human. This accounts for the distinction with black skin and also the Irish. Any race portrayed as savage would be less than human and so also not subject to the right to liberty nor life.

We see, also, that in 1807 the slave trade was abolished worldwide (not sure what brought on the ban, perhaps concerns of human rights, seeing inconsistencies). Then later that century emerged the White Man's Burden, 1899 - now he must 'rescue' and Christianize all the savages.

The above is obvious stuff - but now the history of whites are being flipped to be filled with 'evil' and being completely demonized. So much so, that France's ex-president said whites need to stop existing homogeneously and would bring coercive measures to enforce interbreeding, if it was not done so voluntarily. Largely, racism was tied to capitalist greed at its origin - and race hatred began as a natural result of generation after generation witnessing its affects.

Certainly there are different capacities for different things between the races. However, I am guessing the idea of racial supremacy was not on the table until the creation of the concept of race itself. Ethnic, as a more distinct taxonomy, is more accurate than the distinction between races and likely existed as basic tribalism does - with a belief in your own kind being superior. Race expanded that definition to all whites - at least legally.

Quite a bit of the connections I make, I haven't verified that should be. Not yet - but they seem to make more sense than the concept of race arising in a vacuum where there were no specific pressures that caused humans to create the distinction. Yes, maybe it was just observation - Darwin came about in 1809.
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Gender : Male Leo Posts : 2320
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyMon Feb 15, 2016 2:57 am

I haven't seen this new video

Look, this woman is trying to be smart and funny, the points she makes are just retarded and irrelevant, petty nitpicking
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyMon Feb 15, 2016 5:28 pm

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Basically, the good nationalists are those who disassociate with ''nazi sympathies'' and those groups with ''nazi sympathies'' (uses Right Sector flag) are American controlled wage-terrorists to spread destabilisation in Ukraine and that the American propaganda machine spreads lies about how ''pro-Russians are terrorists'' and this all to have American controlled lands / masses who will eventually be used for the 3th world war against Russia.

My words:
Well, I do not think these ''nazi sympathisers'' are controlled in first instant, but the current government is American puppet play and they try to assimilate the batallions into regular Ukrainian arms forces in order to get full control over the militias with no competing powers, such as Azov which could develop into a ''state within a state'', but even Azov is getting close to government policies or co-operation which is a bad thing if that would happen.
They get rid of the elites of these batallions so to assimilate them into governmental forces; but the batallions are partly financed by Jews but that does not mean controlled just like Hitler received some money from Jews, they merely financed their own downfall (if they had the intent to control Hitler).

I do think America has its plans if Azov or any other power will not re-take the government AGAIN, to be used as a vessal state instead of sovereign policies. America or Russia, 2 sides on the same coin.

1. "Youth, oh, youth! | of whom then, youth, art thou born?
Say whose son thou art,
Who in Fafnir's blood | thy bright blade reddened,
And struck thy sword to my heart."

2. "The Noble Hart | my name, and I go
A motherless man abroad;
Father I had not, | as others have,
And lonely ever I live."
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyMon Feb 22, 2016 7:56 pm

One of the most impressively degenerate feminism films I've come across. Emasculation of course is the intended running theme here, but notice the pronounced undertones in the film of natural weakness of the female sex that feminism, ironically, cannot rid itself of, and how the women must be hyper-masculinized, almost to a caricature degree, in a feeble effort to mask the weaknesses.

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Gender : Male Pisces Posts : 38487
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyMon Feb 22, 2016 8:06 pm

When a behaviour is not innate but mimicked, overcompensation always results in over-acting.
Hyper-Masculinity, and the Masculinaization of Females being (re)actions to feminization.

Another example of this would be when an insecure, mediocre mind, attempts to compensate for his simplicity by using unusual words, or words not often used, replacing understanding with knowledge, as in a vocabulary display.
 In this case the pretense is exposed by the placement of the words, which is forced, out of place in the sentence structure, or in relation to what preceded it.

The physical symptoms is a slight pause before suing the word meant to impress and convey an image the speaker is not fully habituated with - a slight increase or decrease in tone may accompany it.

Another example is in the manner of the speaker's insertion of data. With no connection to the conversation he may introduce a tangent that flatters him, or redirects to a place where he feels he has an advantage, or conveys information he thinks will raise his status before the listeners.
The tangent feels out of place, given the stream of betrays motive.

Another symptom is recognized as choice of clothing, fabricating a style, a message of uniqueness, or of strength or whatever is to be projected.... compensating for uniformity and thinking within the box.
The desperate one will wear clothes that do not match his/her personality, or the words coming from his mouth.
They may go overboard, compensating in the areas he feels most insecure about.
This is why the young fall not this gaudy display.

In Modern times this youthfulness, this naive lostness, seeking identity to deal with a missing one, or one dismissed and forgotten, is part of a norm - a stunting of development, this psychological retardation, pretending to be mature with displays, learned behaviour, careers, social status, and so on.

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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyMon Feb 22, 2016 8:54 pm

Good points. Subtlety of appearance is something of a corporeal art form, which is why modern females can master it so well, it requires only slight alterations to customs and mores with some flare to garner intimidation or praise. It is the insertion of ambiguity followed by a force of conviction that instills in someone, a sense of servitude to what seems to be strong and powerful.

It is the inadvertent exposures of the underlined nature that gives away the facade.
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 12:11 pm

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Gender : Male Scorpio Posts : 2311
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 4:09 pm

WakeThyself wrote:

Looked like utter bull shit to me, unless maybe if you take the ''alpha male'' referrence with some bucket of salt and whiskey. How much was orchestrated, some bossy bitch man dwarf versus some childish nigger, let the battle of alphas begin...

''And here you can see how the nigger marks his territory, he throws his paper with needed answers away on the floor to show off his alpha maleness and the cucks be submissive and pick up the paper ball.''

Maybe the nigger exposes his core essence of being a dumb fuck, can't really compare the races relating to ''alpha traits''; and maybe Whitey faggs expose their core essence of being dumb fucks for giving too much of a shit for any task (authority) on a paper.

''And here you can see how the dwarf claims terrirtory by being a faggot touching other men to make them feel uncomfortable, so they give him his faggot space but they are not uncomfortable enough that they would beat up the lil' fag dwarf.''

Maybe they should have focused upon the concept ''group-dynamics''; for they all are idiots ruled by a most corrupt and moronic elite a people has ever had, how alpha is that.
Just mediocre males trying to prove themselves (in the group / relating to women) and that is how they give value to their pathetic existences.

1. "Youth, oh, youth! | of whom then, youth, art thou born?
Say whose son thou art,
Who in Fafnir's blood | thy bright blade reddened,
And struck thy sword to my heart."

2. "The Noble Hart | my name, and I go
A motherless man abroad;
Father I had not, | as others have,
And lonely ever I live."
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 10:28 pm

The entire series is great and worth watching, note that it doesn't only apply to religious beliefs.

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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyMon Feb 29, 2016 6:21 am

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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyTue Mar 01, 2016 7:42 am

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Gender : Male Scorpio Posts : 2311
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyWed Mar 02, 2016 4:15 am

Stupid minds cannot think outside ''muh carreer''.
''Talk to a carreer counselor, there is Always á job that somebody likes.''
Diplomas, edumucation, techniques, marketing production, artificialty making much impossible already, and of course the fact that one should not even work, after having finished a house and garden, a few hours a week or a day.

1. "Youth, oh, youth! | of whom then, youth, art thou born?
Say whose son thou art,
Who in Fafnir's blood | thy bright blade reddened,
And struck thy sword to my heart."

2. "The Noble Hart | my name, and I go
A motherless man abroad;
Father I had not, | as others have,
And lonely ever I live."
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Impulso Oscuro

Impulso Oscuro

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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptySun Mar 06, 2016 10:48 pm

OhFortunae wrote:

Stupid minds cannot think outside ''muh carreer''.
''Talk to a carreer counselor, there is Always á job that somebody likes.''
Diplomas, edumucation, techniques, marketing production, artificialty making much impossible already, and of course the fact that one should not even work, after having finished a house and garden, a few hours a week or a day.

Reading into the story, it seems the father perhaps was not "strict" at all, seeing how his son turned out. Although i guess being strict in order to support nihilistic ideals might as well be sheltering as well.

Regarding his categories, i suppose i fall into the second, seeing as many noble men have been in the military and/or been officers at some point, i see it as an important aspect for personal growth which i enjoyed. Unfortunately it has been watered down and lost its genetic uniformity for the sake of efficiency.

There are times when i feel happy and part of a family but when i return inside, i am reminded of how alone i really am.

Once more, with knowing.

The meek shall inherit the Earth, but the Noble shall take it.
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Gender : Male Leo Posts : 2320
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptySat Mar 12, 2016 2:22 pm

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Gender : Male Leo Posts : 2320
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Things to Watch - Page 24 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptySat Mar 12, 2016 3:19 pm

Impulso Oscuro wrote:
OhFortunae wrote:

Stupid minds cannot think outside ''muh carreer''.
''Talk to a carreer counselor, there is Always á job that somebody likes.''
Diplomas, edumucation, techniques, marketing production, artificialty making much impossible already, and of course the fact that one should not even work, after having finished a house and garden, a few hours a week or a day.

Reading into the story, it seems the father perhaps was not "strict" at all, seeing how his son turned out. Although i guess being strict in order to support nihilistic ideals might as well be sheltering as well.

Regarding his categories, i suppose i fall into the second, seeing as many noble men have been in the military and/or been officers at some point, i see it as an important aspect for personal growth which i enjoyed. Unfortunately it has been watered down and lost its genetic uniformity for the sake of efficiency.

There are times when i feel happy and part of a family but when i return inside, i am reminded of how alone i really am.

Here the army is mandatory (or civil service), so usually the experiences depends on which kind of people happens to be serving at the same time. For me the first half was filled with annoying retards (I can't get along with Savonians), but after the beginning month or two I changed to a better company where I met a lot of old friends.

What I hated about it was the military staff there with very bad judgement, no matter what stupid illogical shit they say (or judge you/situation) you can't say/explain anything back at them (my last boss was acting like this). So I felt like some of the lieutenants, warrant officers or lower ranked officers didn't have any calling for the army other than a career or just playing with the "authority" (ego stroking, pretending to be an authority figure). So most of them are nothing as a civilian and I wouldn't respect them in real life, very simple binary thinking people. So I couldn't stand many of these people with higher military rank than I did who did not have any other credibility than they had served longer and got promoted, they are just all act, pretending and making poor judgements and decisions.

So imagine having to obey a person without questioning with no knowledge of human nature, their judgement skills are equivalent if someone bumped you in public and they immediately started shouting " YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!", without ability to think alternative option why this happened. (I'm yet to find a perfect description for this type)

Though overall I liked the experience, felt like dying when it was like -35 C when we were camping in the forest for a week or two, don't remember...and obviously they are trying to break you and make you angry on purpose, but these types of people I mentioned didn't act like this on purpose, these are real life modern idiots.
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptySun Mar 13, 2016 1:15 pm

Promoted on the base of longetivity of obeying, or rather, not chooising anything else - not as loyalty but as ''just because I can or rather I cannot do anything else.'' Loyalty proves itself in battle.

1. "Youth, oh, youth! | of whom then, youth, art thou born?
Say whose son thou art,
Who in Fafnir's blood | thy bright blade reddened,
And struck thy sword to my heart."

2. "The Noble Hart | my name, and I go
A motherless man abroad;
Father I had not, | as others have,
And lonely ever I live."
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyMon Mar 14, 2016 8:42 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyThu Mar 17, 2016 6:14 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyMon Mar 21, 2016 7:15 pm

Even though this guy is a bit of a progressive, he articulates the leftist psychology very accurately against this humanist hang-up on the salvation of nature as another method of compensating for their own inferiority.

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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyTue Mar 22, 2016 7:13 am

About middle-class White ''moms''.

1. "Youth, oh, youth! | of whom then, youth, art thou born?
Say whose son thou art,
Who in Fafnir's blood | thy bright blade reddened,
And struck thy sword to my heart."

2. "The Noble Hart | my name, and I go
A motherless man abroad;
Father I had not, | as others have,
And lonely ever I live."
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyTue Mar 22, 2016 7:14 am

The Eastern-mongoloids are totally looking down upon us and they are already mistaking 'American' with mongrels and negro filth who have not a single historic achevement on their names without Whitey; as well they confuse 'Western men prefer buttocks'' with these mongrels' obsession.
Look at Western (genetically European) females, 'our' whole history manifested through sexual selection exposes a desire for breasts bigger than evoluntionary needs, yet we seemingly, Western men, like big skanky assess twerking in our faces with anal obsessions - that is how the East is already starting to see us!

1. "Youth, oh, youth! | of whom then, youth, art thou born?
Say whose son thou art,
Who in Fafnir's blood | thy bright blade reddened,
And struck thy sword to my heart."

2. "The Noble Hart | my name, and I go
A motherless man abroad;
Father I had not, | as others have,
And lonely ever I live."
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyTue Mar 22, 2016 5:01 pm

Old, looks intense
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PostSubject: Re: Things to Watch Things to Watch - Page 24 EmptyTue Mar 22, 2016 11:16 pm

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